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letter Archives - The Triz Journal

To All Authors: A Letter from The TRIZ Journal’s New Home

10/06/2015 |

As you may have heard, The TRIZ Journal has a new home with the team at BMGI. We are excited and blessed to have the opportunity to give the Journal the attention and care it deserves, and with your help … Read More

Letter to the Editor

01/01/2007 |

To The TRIZ Journal Editors:

I’m writing to explain that The TRIZ Journal incorrectly said that the paper presented at the First Iberoamerican Innovation Technology Congress in September about the design of the methodology TRIZ-AV did not use the Japanese … Read More

Letter: Khomenko article in June 2006

24/07/2006 |


I enjoyed reading Nikolai Khomenko’s article in the June TRIZ-Journal and look forward to the rest of his series of articles. However, … Read More

Letter: TRIZ and Advertising

22/07/2006 |

Editor’s note: Jim Kowalick was the founding co-editor of The TRIZ Journal, and wrote many of the articles in the first 2 years of publication, so he is an old friend of many of our readers. We thought you’d like … Read More

Response To Freddy Pachys Letter To the Editor

20/03/2006 |

Dear Editor, I always feel a sense of deep contradiction when faced with letters like that of Freddy Pachys. To respond or not to respond. A difficult question. Particularly so in this case I feel. By responding, I present Mr … Read More

MATRIZ Information letter #10/2004

22/09/2004 |

Dear colleagues!

1. On the 14th of May, 2004, the 13th correspondence session of MA TRIZ Presidium took place. Current business of MA TRIZ was discussed: work of the publishing committee, trade mark, cooperation with Altshuller’s Institution when carrying out … Read More

Letter to the Editor Re: [TRIZUK] TRIZ dictionary

30/07/2004 |

From: Date: 6/17/2004, 7:04 AM Re: [TRIZUK] TRIZ dictionary

Dear Sirs! My name is Yuna Komarcheva, and I am the granddaughter of G.S. Altshuller, the creator of TRIZ.

The G.S. Altshuller official fund was set up in … Read More

Letter to the Editor: On professions and professional behaviours

15/06/2004 |

First, I wish to thank all those organising a great TRIZ conference in Seattle, especially those who organised the weather so well! And Boeing for hosting and supporting us all so well.

My purpose in writing however is a reflection, … Read More

Letter from the International TRIZ Association

27/12/2003 |

By: M. Rubin

October 15, 2003 Information letter ? 27/2003. Dear colleagues! Today on the 15th of October, 2003, G.S. Altshuller would be 77. Since 1998, on the International TRIZ Association initiative this day is being celebrated as the International … Read More

International TRIZ Association – October 5, 2003 – Information Letter No. 25/2003

17/11/2003 |

By: M.S. Rubin October 5, 2003. Information Letter ? 25/2003

1. As usual on the 15th of October, on Altshuller’s birthday, we will celebrate an International Day of TRIZ. In lots of cities different conferences, announcements in press and other … Read More

Letter to the Editor

01/01/2002 |

Letter to the Editor:

From: Semyon Savransky Subject: PROTECTION OF AN IDEA Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 14:47:30


TRIZ gives simple effective solutions that can be described in a few sentences.

Disclosure of a TRIZ solution to a customer … Read More