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problem Archives - The Triz Journal

Making Sense Of Fake News #1 – Problem Definition

03/03/2019 |

Darrell Mann

When we were assembling the narrative for the TrenDNA book and the likely triggers of the S-Curve-shifting Crisis the world is inexorably moving towards, all of our analyses concluded that it wasn’t possible to know which of the … Read More

Multi-Parameter Contradiction Problem Solving Paradigm

26/04/2018 |

Rajeev Mohan Bhatnagar


A Novel Multi-Parameter Contradiction Problem Solving Paradigm Using Least Common Multiple Algorithm (LCM) for TRIZ Contradiction Matrix

A novel least common multiple algorithm for resolving technical contradictions using TRIZ matrix is presented for resolving the multi-parameter … Read More

Generalization of the System of Standard Solutions for Inventive Problem Solving

28/07/2016 |

Related posts:

  2. Innovating From The Top – Method, Myth, or Madness?
  3. Multi-Screen Analysis for Innovation Roadmapping

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Problem Solving without Logic – A Falsification Test

01/03/2016 |

Note: This paper expands on a previous version delivered at the ETRIA2015 conference in Berlin, GE.


Ntelleck, LLC, Grosse Ile, MI 48138 USA

Cognitive scientists have a new model of how the thinking brain works in problem solving, called the … Read More

General Methodology for Creative Problem Solving and Task Achieving: Its Vision

03/06/2015 |

Originally presented at the 13th ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference (TFC2013), held on Oct. 29-31, 2013 at Ecole Nationale d’Arts et Metiers of Paris, Paris, France; Proceedings, pp. 705-715


‘Creativity techniques’ and ‘Problem solving methods’, including TRIZ, have been studied and practiced actively in … Read More

Exploring the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

01/01/2010 |

“Ellen Domb” Quoting your post, I'm going to take a risk of getting thrown out of the forum, but you have been kind enough to share your research, and I want to prevent you from acting on bad infRead More

Exploring the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving in

01/01/2010 |

Dear TRIZ experts,I am a PhD student at a UK university whose research is focusing onexploring the use of the theory of inventive problem solving in design.As far as we know, TRIZ has bRead More

Problem Formulation/problem Situation Questionnaire

01/01/2010 |

where i can find articles about the story of problem formulation? or where i can find different kind of problem situation questionnaire and their evolution in the story course?Read More

Pointers to Effects for Non-technical Problem Solving

02/03/2009 |

Efficiency and effectiveness of TRIZ for solving non-technical problems appears to be much lower than what is used for technical problem solving. The absence of pointers to effects for non-technical problem solving should be one of the main causes.Read More

Usit in Japan: a Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving

03/11/2008 |

USIT, introduced to Japan in 1999, has been accepted as an easy, unified process for problem solving in industries and as the next generation of TRIZ. The solution generation methods of TRIZ have been reorganized into a system of USIT operators.Read More

Remote Team Problem Solving with TRIZ

02/06/2008 |

Many companies are not able to perform product development on their own. Companies may cooperate with other companies or subsidiaries in project-based joint ventures – often the teams are geographically separated.Read More

The Problem with Ariz and Other Innovation Processes

03/12/2007 |

What is the blinding flash of the obvious that designers of sequential problem solving processes have somehow failed to address before? Step-wise processes will not and cannot work so do not try to create them.Read More

Complete Technical System Generates Problem Definitions

03/12/2007 |

Introducing TRIZ into many corporate environments requires first resolving the contradiction of the desire for comprehensive understanding and sophisticated problem solving without spending any time learning either.Read More

Non-linear Problem Solving

14/10/2007 |

Michael S. Slocum

We are accustomed to solving problems using a linear two-step process. This process is as simple as problem Â» solution. Our psychological bias is the foundation for our ability to solve problems using this simple process. We have an … Read More

A New Problem-solving Algorithm

04/06/2007 |

Historically, each TRIZ tool was developed (and could be used) independently for problem solving. That is why each tool had its own mini-algorithm. This work is a revision of the main TRIZ tools so that they work together as parts of the same system.Read More

Problem Situation Specification

02/04/2007 |

Specifying the problem situation is fundamental to the problem-solving process. Problem situations can be divided into two main types to reformulat solutions.Read More

Comparing Problem Solving in Nature and TRIZ

02/04/2007 |

Design in nature (bionical solutions) can help with TRIZ tools and improve the ability of TRIZ to solve problems. The objectives of biology and engineering are similar: functionality, optimization and cost effectivenessRead More

A New Paradigm for Creative Problem Solving: Six-box Scheme in Usit

01/01/2007 |

The ‘Four-Box Scheme’ of problem solving has long been regarded as a standard in TRIZ. A new ‘Six-Box Scheme’ is proposed and compared to the old.Read More

Multi-level Problem Solving

01/01/2007 |

Multi-level Problem Solving (MPS) is different from TRIZ despite the heavy TRIZ influence. The MPS is a skeleton of short algorithms, forming the basis for future discussion and development.Read More

Applying the Law of the Completeness of a Technological System to Formulate a Problem

01/01/2007 |

The complete technological system (CTS) is a useful teaching template for the use of analogy in problem solving, to help students understand the relationship between their own problem, an example and an abstract principle.Read More