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Short Thort

29/04/2020 |

Darrell Mann

“The time we need in order to heal our wounds and finally manifest our deepest dreams is only as long as the gap between two thoughts. These are thoughts in polarity, such as separation and unity, … Read More

Investments – No-Drill Dentistry

22/04/2020 |

Darrell Mann

The best solutions fix the problem ‘by themselves’. Great for the customer; not so great for the company looking to monetize their great new self- solution. Or the investor… unless they manage to find a novel service innovation … Read More

Case Study: I Want A List, I Don’t Want A List

19/04/2020 |

Darrell Mann

I admit it, I’m a list-demon. I have a quadruple-hierarchy list structure: a day list, a month list, a year list and an ‘important, but doesn’t fit anywhere yet’ list. The system has evolved over the course of … Read More

TRIZ for a post-pandemic world – Webinar

15/04/2020 |

Institution of Mechanical Engineers

TRIZ for a post-pandemic world

Use TRIZ strategies to remove trial-and-error form problem solving processes so you can find better, faster and more resilient solutions.


Use TRIZ strategies to remove trial-and-error form problem solving … Read More