To All Authors: A Letter from The TRIZ Journal's New Home

Derek Bennington | On 10, Jun 2015
As you may have heard, The TRIZ Journal has a new home with the team at BMGI. We are excited and blessed to have the opportunity to give the Journal the attention and care it deserves, and with your help allow it to thrive once again. the Journal was once the leading source for cutting edge information and content revolving around TRIZ and innovation; however, it has struggled over recent years. We need your help in not only reviving it, but also in setting the proper roots for strong growth.
As a trusted member within the TRIZ community and someone who has had an impact on the Journal in one way or another, we would like to work with you in developing new content, articles, blogs, case studies or the like. We know content is king, and with authors and contributors like yourself, we can fuel the Journal’s engine.
Regarding editorial requirements, there will be very few. Of course there will be certain things we need to keep the Journal professional, but there will not be strict criteria or guidelines to follow. We believe the author is the expert and is the owner of the content, and therefore should have the primary say in how the content should read and be structured. Our philosophy will be this: edit only for clarity, not for content.
We know that going forward we cannot do this without great authors and likewise great content that is current and relevant to the challenges the world faces. We hope you will be a part of our journey and part of the next adventure for The TRIZ Journal. With that, we are currently asking for articles, case studies or the like that may interest the TRIZ community. You will need to submit the works through the Journal’s website, but we are happy to expedite the process. We also invite you, your students, and colleagues that may not have published before to submit. We are dedicated to the Journal’s success and with that we are open to any and all feedback on how to accomplish that. You will see many changes over the next few weeks to the Journal and in the future would appreciate your thoughts on where the Journal evolves.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us, at any time for any reason. We look forward to working with you in the near future.
Kind Regards,
Derek Bennington
Managing Director, The TRIZ Journal
Dr. Phil Samuel
Editor, The TRIZ Journal
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