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TRIZ Journal's April Issue

TRIZ Journal’s April Issue

| On 04, Apr 2016



Hello fellow TRIZ readers. This is a big month for the journal! In April we will be rolling out the TRIZ Expert List, a classifieds of sorts that will allow anyone in training and consulting to list themselves on the journal. Our hope is this provides those in need of solving pressing problems a place to find the right person for the job. April and May will be free to everyone and we welcome your feedback so we can learn and improve. Starting June 1, experts will be able to renew on a yearly subscription. Our goal is not to make money, but to have resources to be able to build new and exciting things for our readers and new learners to TRIZ.

We are also experimenting with a new article viewer. You will see this for each of the three articles. This stemmed from listening to many readers’ frustrations with current article layouts, readability and downloading. Important to point out, there is a Fullscreen Mode, which helps display the articles in larger format. In each of this month’s articles, you will see a poll on the right side of the page. Please give us your thoughts and we will continue to improve it!

We are working hard to make the journal better, more enjoyable and most importantly more relevant to today’s problem solving landscape, and there is more to come over the next couple months.

If at any time you would like to submit an article or have thoughts on how to improve the journal, website or the monthly issues, please reach out to me at I look forward to connecting with each of you personally via email or LinkedIn.

Derek Bennington
Managing Director



By José M. Vicente Gomila

The view of systems is not exclusive to TRIZ, however the integration of a systemic vision, functions described as s-fields interactions and the ideality law of evolution are about TRIZ, and these bundled together can help organizations to value better its business model.    Read more



By Christian M. Thurnes, Frank Zeihsel, Frank Hallfell

The combination of Lean-production and TRIZ seems to be easy but in real life the most promising way is to identify blind spots in Lean and to apply TRIZ exactly there. To continue works of the authors in this area, this paper shows how to add TRIZ to one of these blind spots, the so called “necessary waste”. Read More


A New Analysis Model – SAFC Model

By Mike Min Zhao, Wucheng Zhang

This paper constructs a new analysis model called SAFC model by combining the Su-field, Attribute, Function and Causality analysis together. By several case studies, it concludes that SAFC model could facilitate people to find the attributes of substances or components with harmful function in technical system exactly, and find the effective way to deal with those unnecessary attributes by effective operation, which enhance the efficiency of learning and using TRIZ. Read More