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Not So Funny – 40 Inventive Nature Principles

Not So Funny – 40 Inventive Nature Principles

| On 04, Mar 2020

Darrell Mann

1. Segmentation

2. Taking Out

3. Local Quality

4. Asymmetry

5. Merging

6. Universality

7. ‘Nested Doll’

8. Counterweight

9. Prior Counter-Action

10. Prior Action

11. Prior Cushioning

12. Remove Tension

13. ‘The Other Way Round’

14. Spheroidality/Rotation

15. Dynamics

16. Slightly Less/Slightly More

17. Another Dimension

18. Vibration/Resonance

19. Periodic Action

20. Continuity of Useful Action

21. Hurrying

22. ‘Blessing in Disguise’

23. Feedback

24. Intermediary

25. Self-Service

(with apologies to the #MeToo movement… although this could probably make a good campaign poster for them)

26. Copying

27. Cheap Disposable

28. Another Sense/Fields

(Squirrel exorcism?)

29. Fluid

30. Thin & Flexible

31. Porous Materials/Holes

32. Colour Changes

33. Homogeneity

34. Discarding and Recovering

35. Parameter Changes

36. Phase Transitions

37. Relative Change

38. Enriched Atmosphere

39. Calmed Atmosphere

40. Composite Structures

Ah, the inventive genius of the natural world.
Or maybe the genius of the many photographers entering the annual animal comedy awards competition. See more of their amazing work at the rather splendid, from where a lot of these images were borrowed.