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Innovation in Consumer Durables Industry

Innovation in Consumer Durables Industry

| On 01, Jan 2010

Message: 1117
Posted by: Vikrant Raina
Posted on: Wednesday, 3rd October 2007

Dear All

I am vikrant from india. Currently i am working in a consumer durables industry which manufactures (Refrigetators, CTV's, Washing machines, Desktop PC's etc). I am in Manufacturing Innovation team here. My work involves conducting activities for improving productivity & quality. I want to know the different kaizen tools which we can use in shop floor for improving productivity.

Message: 1119
Posted by: QualityColorado
Posted on: Wednesday, 3rd October 2007

Vikrant, Good afternoon!

Regarding this request and your other posting about poke-yoke:

I recommend that you cross-post this at the iSixSigma “sister” site:

There are more folks at that posting board who work with questions about productivity & quality (like poke yoke).

Best regards,


Message: 1124
Posted by: K.S.Ramachandra
Posted on: Friday, 12th October 2007

Dear Mr.Vikrant,

Productivity improvement can be realized by adapting the philosophy and principles of Total quality Management(TQM)based on Deming's 14 Principles .To begin with all employees will have to be introduced the concepts and tools of TQM.Since TQM demands involvement of everyone to achieve desired results using facts(Data!!)and its analysis both before and after the improvement of any situation/problem, the important thing is to make all shop-floor people to feel themselves as team leaders and members and then empowering them work on any problem by effective use of tools of TQM This needs lot of facilitation & mentoring from people like you in the management. Provide necessary resouces like time, place to sit and deliberate on the problem(as TQM-project),stationery etc, to these employees and celebrate the success of the TQM project company-wide Various TQM tools include; Brainstorming(for both causes of the problem and for possible solutions ),Fish bone diagram,data sheets, Pareto charts, Histogram,flowchart,SPC-tools etc. In thebegining the employeed ned hand holding in conducting TQM project meetings which you and your peers can do. If what is said is done with conviction and committment without any room for ego or other prejudice you can get excellent results. After achieving desired involvement of all and success in projects gradually introduce them to tools like, 5S,TRIZ, Six Sigma, TOC and Lean. But never dump all concepts and tools simultaneously which may result in rejection.