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Dean Kamen’s New Arm

Dean Kamen’s New Arm

| On 15, Oct 2007

Ellen Domb

TRIZ Journal and Real Innovation Commentators talk a lot about the methods of innovation, but we don’t talk very often about the sense of mission and commitment that are frequently needed to keep an idea alive while all those methods are being used.

Dean Kamen is well-known in the invention community – his Segway is an icon of “out of the box” creativity, his stair-climbing wheelchair was featured at one of the first Altshuller Institute meetings, and his use of his personal fortune to sponsor invention workshops and contests for schools has gotten extensive press coverage.  

Go ahead â€“ watch the video.  It takes 5 minutes, so I won’t make the commentary any longer.  Think about what Kamen and his people did in 13 months.

TRIZ lesson:  did you spot the use of trimming?  He mentioned it twice.  
