Call for Paper – TRIZ-Publication Project
Editor | On 28, Aug 2004
The German TRIZ-online Team is planning the publication of a TRIZ book. The intention of this book is to demonstrate the multiple capabilities of TRIZ in all facetts. By gathering articles from TRIZexperts of all areas it shall give a 360° view of the applications of TRIZ.
There for we would like to invite all TRIZ-Specialists to contribute to this publication. We encourage you to send us your proposal for an article to be included in this publication. The article should be between 15 and 30 pages A4. Primarily we are targeting the German-speaking European market, there for we can only accept articles in German language. Assistance in translating might be made available upon special request.
You can use this form to send us a short abstract (approx. 1/2 page A4), a rough outline and please note the category in which you want your article to be published. The possible categories are:
1. TRIZ and it’s tools as an extension of the traditional heuristic methods,
2. Integration of TRIZ and CAI in the Product Development Process,
3. Combining TRIZ with other Methods (FMEA, QFD, Target-Costing, Value-Analysis…),
4. Solving Organizational- and Management-Problems with TRIZ,
5. Trends of CAI – Computer-Aided TRIZ,
6. Acceptance of implementing new Methods and Tools,
7. Industry Examples and Practical Experiences.
If you have any additional category that should be mentioned please let us know! Please send your proposal until September the 15th 2004, the completed article should be sent to us until February the 15th 2005.
We sincerely hope to further promote TRIZ through this publication, and we think it’s concept clearly seperates it from the already available TRIZ-books. It is necessary that you contribute to this project, although we can already say that there will be no remuneration possible. However, all authors will receive a free copy of the book!
We would be very happy to receive your proposal for an article, any input and feedback regarding this project is highly appreciated!
Best regards from the German TRIZ-online Team
Dr. Carsten Gundlach, Dipl.-Ing. Horst Nähler, Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Montua
Visit us at:
Please send to: Dr. Carsten Gundlach
Schillerstraße 10
D-34393 Grebenstein / Germany
Phone: +49-(0)173-9625252
Fax: +49-(0)1212-5-113-97-490,
e-mail: gundlach@triz
15. September 2004!