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Bad Boss

Bad Boss

| On 01, Jan 2010

Message: 5
Posted by: Jack
Posted on: Sunday, 5th November 2006

I have a boss who has no idea what the rest of the world is doing. And he could care less. He just wants to do what he has to do to get paid. Comes in late. Leaves early. Wants nothing to do with any of his staff. My team has a great idea, but I know he's never going to even let me tell him all about it. Anyone know how I can get beyond him besides just leaving the company?? –Jack

Message: 8
Posted by: scubafan
Posted on: Tuesday, 7th November 2006

I'm assuming your great idea is innovative? Is there research you can pull on other inventive ideas that your company has supported so that you're not just coming out of nowhere?

Message: 13
Posted by: Michael S. Slocum
Posted on: Wednesday, 15th November 2006

Many people operate at what I call a “least energy state.” They preform those duties required to sufficiently achieve the minimum requirements and little else. Novel techniques, methods, or approaches require functionalÊoperation at an “excited energy level.” This is less than appealing for many people as it undercuts the established psychological inertia and normative behavior. These approaches require something different to be done. They require cultural and or behavioral change. They may even require a kind of revolution or paradigm shift. This type of change is resisted by many. Your supervisor seems to be exactly this type of person. Resistant to anything different orÊnew. The behavioral cycle is difficult to break into. Only through demonstrated performance can a successful response be established. Repeated success will create the desire for more. This creates the inertia necessary to overcome accepted mediocrity. And it is not an easy path–for many are bathed in mediocrity…

I propose that undeniable success (in this case an innovative concept that when implemented will exceed customer requirements) will overcome mediocrity. Stay the course and let success leave those behind not accustomed to its pace.

Michael S. Slocum