Altshuller's Birthday, Message from V. Petrov

Editor | On 01, Jan 2010
Message: 1935Posted by: Ellen Domb
Posted on: Sunday, 17th October 2010
LinkedIn posting :15 October, 2010, Altshuller's birthday. Day of TRIZ Dear colleagues, Today – day of TRIZ. I congratulate you on this wonderful day. I wish you the big creative successes, good health and prosperity. Vladimir Petrov
Thanks for remining us! Regardless of whether we practice traditional TRIZ or one of its derivatives, we owe a huge debt to this remarkable man who did massive amounts of research, organized the research of others, and taught it to people throughout his life, regardless of political and economic consequences. I only know G.S. Altshuller through his students, who have adopted his commitment to shariing what they learn, demonstrating his generosity in their own behavior.
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