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birthday Archives - The Triz Journal

Happy Altshuller’s Birthday

01/01/2010 |

Mankind keeps track of special dates as a way of reminding us the common heritage. Let's halt and consider for a second. I think of all Altshuller has done for me, a man I never met; and it wRead More

Altshuller’s Birthday and Rememberance

01/01/2010 |

Dear colleagues,Today there is a birthday of our teacher Henry Altshuller.  We celebrate it as the International Day of TRIZ.I wish you the great creative successes, a good health and happiness.Read More

Altshuller’s Birthday, Message from V. Petrov

01/01/2010 |

LinkedIn posting :15 October, 2010, Altshuller's birthday. Day of TRIZ  Dear colleagues, Today – day of TRIZ. I congratulate you on this wonderful day. I wish you the big creative successes,Read More

MATRIZ announces Altshuller 80th Birthday Symposium

28/09/2005 |

MATRIZ 2006 Meeting Announcement

MATRIZ, the International TRIZ Organization, announces the initial planning for the 2006 meeting, to be held the week of October 15, 2006, to honor the 80th birthday of Genrich Saulovich Altshuller. The meeting will have technical … Read More