TRIZ for Nuclear Power Plants
Editor | On 01, Jan 2010
Message: 1771Posted by: David Drummonds
Posted on: Tuesday, 9th March 2010
I am a Program Manager at Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant. I am a novice to TRIZ and am looking for applications in nuclear power. I am hoping to introduce TRIZ to my colleagues and this would give me a jump start. Any information will be very appreciated.
Message: 1774
Posted by: Dan
Posted on: Friday, 12th March 2010
Hello David – seeing your post was timely for me as a colleague and I were just debating whether the “I-word” is too scary for the nuclear industry. With new plants on the horizon we're engaged in some research and I'd find it helpful to chat with you offline to get your insights if you're willing. If so please contact me at dbuckenmeyer Thanks.
Message: 1779
Posted by: Dwain McMullin
Posted on: Wednesday, 24th March 2010
I work at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, SC which is a nuclear site that produces nuclear material for the US Department of Energy and processes legacy nuclear waste for long term disposal. I found the TRIZ process about 4 years ago, read a lot of material about it and started applying it and got good results with innovative solutions. I have continued to apply it and I have trained several others on the process. We have applied it to about 40 projects. Some had outstanding results and others had good results. Every time we applied TRIZ we got better results than solutions from traditional problem solving methods. As you know, there are many constraints on nuclear processes, but the TRIZ process still works very well. I would highly recommend implementing the process at your site. If you want to send me some contact information, I will be happy to talk to you about what we have experienced.
Message: 1781
Posted by: Mark Barkan
Posted on: Wednesday, 24th March 2010
David, absolutely! TRIZ is applicable to just about any situation/process.
Mark Barkan, President The International TRIZ Association
Message: 1783
Posted by: Suresh Kodoor
Posted on: Saturday, 27th March 2010
Just came across this thread and about Triz journal. I have been a Nuclear Engineer in India and worked lot on engineering software for Nuclear power plants (mathematical modeling, plant simulation, transient analysis, power plant control systems etc). Moved later to IT/Software side and have worked with companies like Sun Microsystem, AT&T Labs etc in US. Currently I am running my own Software company in Bangalore, India. Very interestingly, name of my company is 'Trizile Technology Services India Pvt Ltd' and I named my company after the 'Triz' methodology to indicate our expertise on Product Innovation! I would be very interested to follow the Triz in the nuclear engineering domain.ThanksSuresh Kodoorsuresh.kodoortrizile.com
Message: 1784
Posted by: Nikolai Khomenko
Posted on: Wednesday, 31st March 2010
TRIZ Master certified by Altshuller – Vladimir Gerasimov – has some solutions for Nuclear Powerplants. If those solutions were used in Chernobyl the disaster could not happen. Myself also was working for some topic related to the Nuclear Energy. If you need some detail use the E-mail bellow or use a social networking system –
Message: 1785
Posted by: Nikolai Khomenko
Posted on: Wednesday, 31st March 2010
Dwain, Can you contact me about this and some other topics? I was working for European Institue for Energy Research and participate some other relevant projects as an OTSM coach.
Message: 1786
Posted by: Gregory Frenklach
Posted on: Wednesday, 31st March 2010
I would not be so sure. I mean the Chernobyl disaster. They would “invent” something to overcome Gerasimov's solutions. He is an excellent TRIZ specialist, but everything is useless against an “inventive” fool.