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TRIZ FEST-2005 - St. Petersburg (Komarovo), Russia

TRIZ FEST-2005 – St. Petersburg (Komarovo), Russia

| On 25, Aug 2005

St. Petersburg (Komarovo), Russia

Traditionally, International TRIZ Association (MATRIZ) runs its congresses every two years. Since the times when G. Altshuller founded MATRIZ and was its first President, the Congress has been combined with a TRIZ scientific conference.

This year the MATRIZ Congress was conducted in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, Russia in the resort area of Komarovo. The Congress included several events: so called TRIZ Readings, a scientific conference and the Congress itself (reports of MATRIZ executives, re-elections, etc.).

TRIZ Readings were originated by G. Altshuller as he used to invite a pretty narrow circle of people, who pioneers in TRIZ methodology development and this group discussed the latest TRIZ research works. The organizing committee of TRIZ Masters S. Litvin, M. Rubin and V. Petrov invited leading TRIZ developers to participate in one day of TRIZ Readings as presenters: A. Lyubomirskiy, B. Zlotin, S. Litvin, A. Zusman, V. Petrov, A. Kudryavtsev, Podkatilin, V. Gerasimov, A, Kislov, V. Mikhailov, G. Ivanov, M. Rubin, Y. Murashkovsky. Other TRIZ Masters and Specialists took part in the Readings as attendees: V. Mitrofanov, M. Gafitulin, V. Kriachko, S. Ikovenko A. Selutskiy, A. Guin, K. Sklobovskiy, S. Strizhak, and others. There were a lot of productive and constructive discussions and, according to the unanimous opinion of both the presenters and the attendees, the event was very successful. A decision was made to conduct the Readings on a regular basis and on specific topics.

The scientific conference TRIZ-Fest (TRIZ Festival) that lasted for two days brought together nearly 150 people from 13 countries including Austria, Australia, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Japan, Israel, South Korea, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and USA.

5 sections of the conference focused on different topics: New Developments in the Methodology, TRIZ in different parts of the world, TRIZ and Pedagogy (TRIZ in Elementary and Middle School), etc. The agenda of the conference was very tight so longer presentations and discussions were conducted during after-dinner Round Table Discussions. The conference and Round table discussions ran in Russian and English. One of the most valuable features of the TRIZ Fest was networking and off-line discussions. It was a unique opportunity to personally meet the oldest and the most renowned TRIZ Masters like V. Mitrofanov, G. Ivanov, A. Selutskiy and others.
The last day of the Congress was occupied with organizational MATRIZ meetings, reporting and re-elections.

A new MA TRIZ Board (Presidium) was elected:
M. Barkan
A. Gasanov
S. Ikovenko
A. Kislov
A. Kudryavtsev
S. Litvin
V. Timokhov
V. Petrov
B. Zlotin

At its meeting the new Board selected a candidate for the position of the MATRIZ President – Mark Barkan. The candidacy of Mark Barkan was approved by the Congress. Mark has a long and vast experience with TRIZ and is a MATRIZ Certified Specialist (Level 4).

TRIZ Fest 2005 was the largest TRIZ conference worldwide during the last 5 years. We hope that Future TRIZ Fest events will continue on a regular basis and will contribute to the TRIZ proliferation all over the world.

Resort “Komarovo” – direction to MA TRIZ Fest

In this building we met (Litvin & Zusman on the forefront)

In this building we slept, when we had time




