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process Archives - The Triz Journal

Process and Structure Kills Creativity

01/01/2010 |

Hello,I've been reading with interest the articles on this website. Coming from a quality background, I am predisposed to process and structure to accomplish work. But I have to admit that I'mRead More

Applying TRIZ to Business Process Reengineering

05/10/2009 |

There is a misconception that TRIZ is applicable only in technological processes or products. This case study will showcase the use of problem flow technology as a way to identify a list of key problems that if solved improve business processes.Read More

TRIZ: Incorporating the Bright Process in Design

05/01/2009 |

The authors developed a process named BRIGHT to increase the usability of TRIZ by adding creative thinking and iteration to the TRIZ environment.Read More

A Vote for Process Innovation

31/03/2008 |

Cass PursellThink of the most innovative companies in the world. Better yet, pick one. Focus on it. Get it firmly in mind.

How much of that company’s annual revenue is represented by new products? If it’s a young company you’re … Read More

It’s The End of the Year – Do You Know Where Your Innovation Process Is?

28/12/2007 |

Cass PursellDo a Google search on Innovation in 2007 and see what you return. Lists of cool inventions, next-generation product ideas. A conference or two. No mention, however, of ideas on improving innovation processes. To my mind, this is an … Read More

Hey, You Got Your Innovative Ideas In My Process Expertise!

28/12/2007 |

Cass PursellPrematurely born innovations generally do not fare well when released too soon into the innovation pipeline. Further, we know from our experience with Lean Six Sigma that clogging the innovation pipeline with too many projects will cause the overall … Read More

Coping with Process Variation

30/10/2007 |

Cass PursellI have talked before about Little’s Law and its role in improving the speed of the innovation process (“One critical issue that must be better understood is the cause of long innovation lead times,” from my post on August … Read More

Process for Innovation

05/09/2007 |

Praveen Gupta

About two weeks ago, I attended the Process of Innovation conference in Chicago, organized by IQPC. Among so many conferences on innovation, this was the first attempt to learn more about the process of innovation. There were some  lessons … Read More

Report from the Process of Innovation, Wednesday afternoon

23/08/2007 |

Ellen Domb

Cheryl Perkins from Kimberly-Clark fascinated the audience with her data on the lack of clear metrics in the innovation “space.”    She gave characteristics of good metrics, particularly the advantages of leading (vs. lagging) metrics.   The continuum of innovation requires … Read More

Report from the Process of Innovation – Wednesday Morning

22/08/2007 |

Ellen Domb

Wednesday morning started with Harry Flotemersch conducting a “Management Think Tank” workshop—he used the conference participants’ questions to pair them up and structure sessions for mutual help. Real Innovation Commentators Praveen Gupta and I had the most international table—people … Read More

Report from the Process of Innovation, Tuesday afternoon

21/08/2007 |

Ellen Domb

Lev Buslovich spoke about his experiences at both GE and Carlson Hotels Worldwide, as a black belt, MBB, and innovation advocate.   He talked about the communication and cultural differences between public and private companies, and showed the distribution of … Read More

Report from the Process of Innovation -Tuesday Morning

21/08/2007 |

Ellen Domb

The chairman’s opening address set the theme for the conference:   Joe Ficalora from SBTI used Steve Jobs’ quote, “Innovation is the difference between followers and leaders” as the kickoff message for the conference.   His Six Sigma background showed through … Read More

Report from the Process of Innovation Conference

20/08/2007 |

Ellen Domb

I’m in Chicago IL USA this week at the conference organized by IQPC on the Process of Innovation.  I’ll be reporting progressively throughout the week on the highlights of the conference.  (If anyone is reading this in the Chicago … Read More

Process for Innovation Conference

12/07/2007 |

Katie Barry

Taking place August 21-22 in Chicago, the Process for Innovation conference will include global innovation leaders and practitioners. Companies including Unilever, Motorola, DaimlerChrysler and Procter & Gamble will be represented with sessions including “What Is Innovation? Develop A Clear … Read More

Process Management Using Systemic Thought Process: Identification and Formulation of Creative Tasks

04/10/2006 |

Gennady Ivanov and Mark Barkan (Presented by Mark Barkan) WWW.CONCEPT-CATALYSTS.COM 704-995-1592

ABSTRACT Creative thinking is based, in part, on the skill to analyze an object or an event in three perspectives: in time, in space and in interactions between … Read More

Improve Process Effectiveness with TRIZ Methodology

20/09/2006 |

Haiyan Ru, As we know, process system is more and more important for a corporation with dream of being a great company. There are some improvement models and quality systems supplied for it, such as ISO9000 appeared last century. … Read More

Unleashing The Voice Of The Product And The Voice Of The Process

03/06/2006 |

Darrell Mann Director, Systematic Innovation Ltd, UK Phone/Fax: +44 (1275) 342960 Mobile: +44 (7980) 864028 E-mail:

Abstract In this paper we propose that, our need to create products and services that match the ‘voice of the customer’ becomes much … Read More

Applying TRIZ in Process Improvement

19/05/2006 |

Haiyan Ru, Haibo Ru, TRIZ could be used not only in product innovation, but also in process improvement. It can increase the organization management efficiency and effectiveness, which is also valuable. Here we provide a case of applying … Read More

Introduction of TRIZ to the Process and Levels of Decision Making

21/12/2005 |

By: Seyed Reza Seyedjavadein and Amir Hossein Fahimi

Seyed Reza Seyedjavadein, Ph.D. University of Tehran

Amir Hossein Fahimi M.A. student of Marketing University of Tehran

Abstract: The aim of this article is to propose a classification for decision … Read More

Some Aspect of TRIZ Applications in Steel Making Process

21/10/2005 |

By: J.E. Cho

Some Aspect of TRIZ Applications in Steel Making Process.

2005. 7.2 J.E. Cho Ph.D Technical Research Lab. POSCO

Steel plate (thickness : 40-60mm) deformed (above 5 mm) due to temperature difference between upper and … Read More