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creativity Archives - The Triz Journal

Oxford Creativity achieves global sales on lockdown learning, helping to problem solve pandemic

29/04/2020 |

Last week, Oxford Creativity, an innovation training and problem-solving company smashed their targets and sold out places for their first online learning course helping Global technical teams work together. Delegates tuned in from all around the globe including Malaysia, France, … Read More

Evolving The Creativity Scan

21/06/2018 |

Darrell Mann

Our fifteen-year programme of research into ‘effective creativity’ (also known as ‘innovation’) has revealed a number of critical insights into the creative process. From that research we saw a need to separate two important aspects of intelligence: firstly … Read More


01/02/2016 |

Yonni, Fernandoa,b, Requena Carlosa,b, MalinauskasAgustinac

a.UCA, Facultad de Cs. Fisicomatemáticas e Ingeniería. Alicia Moreau de Justo 1500.

C1107AAZ, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

b.UTNFRGP, H. Irigoyen 288, Gral. Pacheco, Partido de Tigre, Prov. de Buenos Aires.

c.UBA, Facultad de Ingeniería, Av. … Read More

The Recipe for Creativity

21/04/2010 |

Jack Hipple

Those of you who are not chemists or chemical engineers probably don’t read Chemical and Engineering News which, once a year, reprints the acceptance speech from the recipient of the American Chemical Society’s most prestigious award, the Priestley Medal. … Read More

Creativity and Risk-taking Competencies for Innovation

18/02/2010 |

Ellen Domb

Can you teach other people to be innovators?   Or can you teach yourself to be more innovative?   TRIZ practioners learn to generate innovative ideas, but they don’t always get their ideas adopted in their organizations.

Sarah Miller Caldicott is … Read More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

Innovation, Creativity, and Invention

01/01/2010 |

Mike and Tim,Profit and Purpose are two attributes which are connected. Howsoever distant they may be, the relationship is always corresponding and direct. If there has been no conflict till nowRead More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

Fyi-open Courseware Links-creativity and Innova

01/01/2010 |

FYI, here are some (free!) open courseware offerings available on the Web related to Creativity and Innovation:1 — Managing the Innovation Process, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIRead More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

General Motors Creativity Tools

01/01/2010 |

hii would like to know about the general motors [GM] currently using creativity tools in their company.Read More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More

Do You Generate Employee Creativity and Innovation?

01/01/2010 |

Or do you cause your employees to refuse to use their natural creativity and innovation?This is a simple test of 10 questions. Rank yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for each question, 10 being the bestRead More