Six Sigma and TRIZ
Editor | On 01, Jan 2010
Message: 1985Posted by: Ellen Domb
Posted on: Tuesday, 15th March 2011
I'm on my way to San Antonio, TX USA for a Six Sigma Conference, doing a tutorial on TRIZ for Six Sigma Black Belts. Anyone with examples of TRIZ applications in Six Sigma? You'll be helping me give the Black Belts new examples, and helping the readers of this column as well. Thanks!
Message: 2014
Posted by: Michael Lyubomirskiy
Posted on: Thursday, 21st April 2011
the criticism section of the wikipedia article says, among other things, that Six Sigma “does not help in 'coming up with new products or disruptive technologies.' “
Now, considering that the tools of TRIZ and function analysis (when properly understood, properly used, yadda yadda) are indeed very effective at precisely that task, it stands to reason that the Six Sigma consultants could leverage their existing strong brand and marketing channels in order to upsell their clients to TRIZ-based innovation services to be delivered by TRIZ professionals. Just because the typical Six Sigma consultant is not very likely to invent anything new (with TRIZ or without it) does not mean that both he and his client should not benefit from ideas that can be generated through that methodology by others.
Message: 2018
Posted by: MDBC
Posted on: Sunday, 1st May 2011
While doing research for an upcoming proposal, I had the opportunity to read your comment. I sincerely implore you to consider taking the time to add “or her” to your comments. A less elegant option might be to calcul
at e the number of years you've been typing, make a commitment to use her and she exclusively for the corresponding number of years, andat the end of this period return to the exclusive use of he.The point, in the event, th
at I was unable to communicat e clearly, is that those of us who are not “he's” do not consider “he” as gender neutral. Simply claiming it is gender neutral does not make it gender neutral. It simply means that to you this is true. It appears to be an offensive and intentionally exclusive choice to every woman with whom I have discussed this topic.Can we please begin to use her/him, s/he in intellectual settings and seek to overcome language th
at excludes women? I assure you, had it not been for a woman you would not have been painfully pushed into this world or carried heavily for nearly 10 months. In anat tempt to thank the entire gender orat least the one woman who did carry you, please consider taking the time to type a few extra letters. In your post an option would have been to simply say, “Both the consultant and the client” Thank you for the consideration.
Message: 2019
Posted by: Michael Lyubomirskiy
Posted on: Sunday, 1st May 2011
LOL. Can we please discuss TRIZ on Triz Journal forum? Spamming is wrong, regardless of your chromosomal makeup.
Message: 2020
Posted by: MDBC
Posted on: Sunday, 1st May 2011
Ahh..the irony of interacting on a website named RealInnov
at ion yet having the poster be opposed to .. real innovat ion.I'm afraid we differ on our definition of spam. I have never felt th
at spam included: expressing a personal opinion, offerring an opportunity for personal growth or making a suggestion that could result in behavioral change that avoids offending a large segment of the populat ion.If you were implying th
at I was violat ing a stat ed or implied rule, I refer you to the posted guidelines for the forum as shown below.We ask th
at you refrain from promoting products and services and treat each other with respect.If in fact you were offering to apply TRIZ to overcome the issue then th
at in fact would prove to be an interesting endeavor, yet it is one that my schedule will not permit.In my mind, I shall choose to recall your response as the following.
at an interesting comment. Thank you for the suggestion to use both genders when speaking in generalities. Yes, I can see where only including “he” could be considered as limiting and perhaps sexist by some. I do appreciat e you taking the time to share the insight. I hope you realize that it was simply a habit carried over from an era where this would have been considered appropriat e and that I was not intentionallyat tempt to offend anyone. My sincere appreciat ion for the suggestion.?.My best to you.