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Not So Funny – I Fought The Law…

Not So Funny – I Fought The Law…

| On 05, Feb 2020

Darrell Mann

As we all know, innovation starts with breaking rules. The Laws of Physics, for example, make for very good rule-breaking innovation opportunity-finding targets. Except out-thinking people like Einstein can sometimes be hard work. For easier to find dumber rules and to have a go at beating them.

I’ve got something of a (Principle 17, Another Dimension) soft-spot for this one:

Yes, per convention, breaking rules ends up being all about deploying Inventive Principles. The person that deploys them the best, wins the biggest. I’m not quite sure whether this next one would actually work, but it makes for a very elegant, rare outing for Principle 33, Homogeneity…

Principle 2?

And is this one Principle 17 again, or Principle 30?
‘Strictly no alcohol allowed by the side of the pool’.

Sometimes, however, the problem can be with the rules themselves. I hope passengers opted to not observe this flight safety instruction…

I guess that’s also Principle 17.
Something of a theme emerging perhaps?

Healthy & Safety Regulations? Who needs them?
Not these guys at least…

I’ve got a sneaking admiration for this one too. Principle 7 this time, maybe?

A lot of these ideas, of course are still at the formative stage. The ultimate goal is to test the (Principle 35) new rules, then lock them down for others. Or, in this case, framing them should do the trick…

But then, of course, the cycle just starts over again. Just as you think you’ve re-written the electrical safety regulations, along comes another (Principle 5) bright spark…

Be afraid. Be very afraid…