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Innovation Classes

Innovation Classes

| On 01, Jan 2010

Message: 40
Posted by: Giselle
Posted on: Friday, 1st December 2006

Are there schools for innovation that anyone knows of? Specific programs that teach tools for innovation? Thanks for your help, Giselle

Message: 41
Posted by: Innovation Colorado
Posted on: Monday, 4th December 2006

Giselle, Hello!

If you are interested in self-study in innovation, please try some of the “open courseware” from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):



Leadership Lab for Corporate Social Innovation:

You can NOT get MIT college credit for these open courseware offerings. However, there is a tremendous amount of information, offered free of charge, in each course.

… hope this is helpful …

Best regards,

Innovation Colorado

Message: 42
Posted by: Michael S. Slocum
Posted on: Monday, 4th December 2006


In addition to the course materials that you may find on MIT's OpenCourseWare website, you may also participate in graduate level innovation courses at a growing number of international academic institutions. Concerning the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), you could enroll in a graduate level course at North Carolina State Univarsity, Wayne State, Lutheren College, or Florida Atlantic (just to name a few). In Europe, ENSIAS at the University of Strausburg has a doctoral program in TRIZ. ITEM in Monterrey, Mexico, also has a graduate course on TRIZ.

You may also find various innovation courses that are offered by consulting firms who specialize in the area of innovation.

I hope this helps.

Michael S. Slocum

Message: 43
Posted by: Vito
Posted on: Monday, 4th December 2006


Can you comment of the certification process:

Not only in terms of acquiring Understanding, Knowledge, and Application, but concerning the end benefit. What will the learner be able to accomplish with said certification. Also, please name some of the consulting firms that you'd recomend for such a goal. Thanks!

Message: 44
Posted by: Michael S. Slocum
Posted on: Monday, 4th December 2006


The typical initial certification process for the TRIZ methodology would be comprised of a theoretical aspect and a practical aspect and would look something like this:

I. Coursework focused on the basic principles of the methodology:

     A. Fundamentals of Systematic Innovation

     B. Ideal Final Result and Ideality

     C. Contradiction Theory

     D. Resource Utilization

     E. Function Modeling

(other topics may certainly be added but these basics are a great foundation for the application of systematic innovation) 

II. Practical Application

Demonstrated application of TRIZ to problems with implemented solutions. Also, typically the completion of an exam is required.

A practitioner certified at this level should be able to use Basic TRIZ to solve problems and maximize the idealness of particular solutions. The problem solving process will become transparent and repeatability will be established. Solutions that are not in the subject matter experts psychological bias will be identified on a routine basis.

Some consulting firms that offer Basic TRIZ certification (in alphabetical order):

Air Academy Associates

Breakthrough Management Group

PQR Group

I hope this helps.

Michael S. Slocum

Message: 45
Posted by: Tony
Posted on: Monday, 4th December 2006


Did you see the events calendar on this site? It might help point you in the right direction:


Message: 47
Posted by: Vito
Posted on: Tuesday, 5th December 2006


Thank you for your time and for the detailed response. It really helps!

Couple more questions:  Do you personally offer a learning resource/learning vehicle (e-learning, on-line, DVD, etc.) that allows an individual learner or an organization (many learners) to acquire cetification in Innovation signed by Michael Slocum, and/or are you working on such a learning tool? Also, will you be offering a TTT type certification that a Contract Trainer can acquire and then take out to certify others? Thanks!



Message: 48
Posted by: Giselle
Posted on: Tuesday, 5th December 2006

Thank you for your reply, michael. Are there any places where you can do a major or focused study in innovation – other than the docotral TRIZ program? A broader innovation program?

I've found some individual classes here and there (yes, including on the events part of this site-thanks!) – similar to what you mentioned – but those are hard to fit into my life. Traveling around for a class in one place one week and seminar another week is a hard way to learn all about innovation. It seems like there isn't one place that teaches it all.

Message: 50
Posted by: Innovation Colorado
Posted on: Tuesday, 5th December 2006


Regarding your question about programs (at universities or similar places) that have a major or a focus on studying innovation: 

I have read through the responses to the thread, and I am not sure what you are looking for.  Could you be more specific?  If the TRIZ doctoral program is not waht you are looking for, are you more interested in something that is tied to technology innovation (such as the many IT programs that combine an innovation element, also)? Or, are you thinking something more like a “Six Sigma Black Belt” for innovation (for facilitating teams that would develop innovations)?  Or, are you more interested in design innovation (like techniques the designers used when they developed products like the IPod)?

Or, something else?

Best regards,

Innovation Colorado

Message: 53
Posted by: Giselle
Posted on: Wednesday, 6th December 2006

Innovation Colorado-I'm looking for more of a graduate-level certificate program in innovation – something that wouldn't necessarily give me a PhD in TRIZ, but an overall green belt level knowledge of all of the innovation methods and tools that are out there.

Message: 57
Posted by: Michael S. Slocum
Posted on: Wednesday, 6th December 2006


Air Academy Associates provides training and consulting in an array of Innovation competencies:

TRIZ, TILMAG, Heuristic Redefinition Process, Brainstorming, and Brainwriting

We offer a comprehensive certification program for Innovation. We offer three levels of certification:  

Innovation Specialist (I.Sp.): Basic TRIZ, Psychological and Emotional Methods of Creativity (P&E Creativity)

Innovation Master (I.Ms.): I.Sp. and two advanced TRIZ courses

Innovation Scientist (I.Sc.): I.Ms. and Patent TRIZ, Innovation software course, and Advanced Innovation Survey

Each level of certification, if coupled with our TTT course, provides the capability to train any lower level courses (ie, certified Masters of Innovation who have completed TTT, may teach Basic TRIZ and P&E Creativity).

We do not offer our innovation course in asynchronous formates but will in the near future.

This is a quick summery to answer your questions–if you need more information please contact Air Academy Associates at

Michael S. Slocum

Message: 58
Posted by: Vito
Posted on: Wednesday, 6th December 2006


Thank you for the reply. I will contact Air Academy for more information. Many thanks!


Message: 59
Posted by: Innovation Colorado
Posted on: Thursday, 7th December 2006


Another source of creativity materials and courses is GOAL / QPC.  That firm published the Creativity Tools Memory Jogger:

and the Journal of Innovation Management:

and teaches TRIZ:

… hope this is helpful to your innovation and creativity efforts …

Best regards,  Innovation Colorado

Message: 60
Posted by: Innovation Colorado
Posted on: Thursday, 7th December 2006


… and one more from GOAL / QPC:  Advanced Innovation course:

… not associated at all with GOAL / QPC and have not attended its courses, but I have used its written products and have been very impressed with the quality and ease of use of these products.

Best regards, Innovation Colorado

Message: 62
Posted by: Vito
Posted on: Thursday, 7th December 2006


Thank you for the information, I will check it out. Any relation to QC or one & the same?


Message: 63
Posted by: Innovation Colorado
Posted on: Thursday, 7th December 2006

Vito, One and the same.

Best regards,

Innovation Colorado

Message: 64
Posted by: Vito
Posted on: Friday, 8th December 2006

Good to hear from you. Thank you for all your input and feedback. Keep on moving it forward!


Message: 69
Posted by: Ellen Domb
Posted on: Tuesday, 12th December 2006

It is hard to reply to this without “promoting” anything! For general innovation, see the Innovation Network at –they have a program called “innovation university” that I have heard good things about. University of Buffalo (Buffalo, NY) has a masters level innovation program. Of course, for TRIZ classes see the Calendar section of The TRIZ Journal, (mine, Michael Slocum's, the GOAL/QPC ones, Jack Hipple's, Zinovy Royzen's, etc.) You can reach “green belt” proficiency with an introductory class quite quickly.