Editor | On 02, Dec 2003
The TRIZ Journal will publish some of the papers from this meeting in the next few months. Meanwhile, we thought our readers would like to see some of the participants.

New ETRIA President Denis Cavallucci welcomes the delegates.

Prof. Dr. Günther Schuh, WZL, RWTH, welcomed the delegates to the conference and to the city of Aachen.

Conference Chairman Markus Grawatsch of the Fraunhofer Institute welcomed the delegates, and thanked all the other ETRIA committee members for their hard work. On the second and third day, the participants thanked Markus for a great party as well as a great conference!

Keynote speaker Vladimir Petrov, (on the right) TRIZ Master and President of the Israel TRIZ Association, presented the outline of his new work on 150 standard solutions, and the new book he is writing on the history of TRIZ. On the left is Pavel Livitov, who challenged the audience to distinguish between the roles of TRIZ in sustainable and disruptive innovation.

Prakash Apte (India), TRIZ Journal editor Ellen Domb (USA), and Pavel Jirman (Czech Republic.) Three authors shared a light moment during the coffee hour.

Pascal Guerry from MGI Coutier spoke about using TRIZ in the automotive supplier environment.

Andreas Jost from DaimlerChrysler spoke about using dynamic system modeling with TRIZ.

Caption: Elena Novitskaya from Belarus presented a paper on the transformation of structurally similar elements of engineering systems.

Simon Dewulf (Belgium), TRIZ Journal co-editor Michael Slocum (US) and Darrell Mann (UK) shared a light moment, as well as papers on Six Sigma, TRIZ for Maintenance, and TRIZ for product development.