ALTSHULLER INSTITUTE for TRIZ Studies Newsletter TRIZ - the next Evolution in Problem Solving AUGUST 2004

Editor | On 27, Oct 2004
Summer Book Sellathon…
The Altshuller Institute is kicking off it’s Summer Book Sellathon.
This promotion is to help members of the institute to export TRIZ information on a grand scale. In an effort to provide 1000’s of individuals with a working knowledge of TRIZ, the Institute and Technical Innovation Center, Inc. have collaborated to sell the book “40 Priniples: TRIZ Keys to Innovation” by the case (32 books per case).
The cost of TRIZ books has always been a constriction to the free flow of information to the masses of people. Most TRIZ books are relatively expensive as compared to other books on creativity and innovation. Our goal is to minimize all costs and provide these books for pennies on the dollar.
For this special event, the Institute will sell to members only, the “40 Principles” book for only $10.00 per copy in case lots of 32 books per case, plus shipping. This book retails for $40.00 per copy in all other outlets. We can only provide this tremendous price by selling the book by the case and by having the purchaser pay for shipping.
Help the Institute and help yourself! This is a limited time offer. Orders must be received by 30 September with a minimum of 50% prepayment for books and all shipping costs. If you would like to buy books but are having a problem with this date send me an E-mail.
Dear Ellen,
September is just around the corner and therefore we need to think about TRIZCON2005. Our next Conference is going to be sponsored by Delphi Technologies Inc. and is currently scheduled to be held in Brighton, MI. just outside of Detroit.
TRIZCON99 was the first TRIZ Conference held in Detroit six years ago. TRIZCON2005 will probably be held in the middle of April. A firm date will be published as soon as it determined. The cycle of putting together another fantastic TRIZ Conference begins with the solicitation of Abstracts for papers from the world of TRIZ users and trainers. I encourage you to submit your Abstract as soon as possible. See call for papers article below for more details. Yours truly, Richard
Langevin, Executive Director
Ongoing Project — “Ballad of the Stars”
We are still working on “The Ballad of the Stars” and as we promised last month we will preview a few pages of each story in the book. We hope that this will wet your appetite for the style of writing and generate some excitement for the coming edition. This month we are showcasing the first story, “The Star River Test.”
CAll for PAPERS !!!
We are issuing our “Call for Papers” for TRIZCON2005.
Abstracts for papers should be emailed to our office by 30 September 2004. We have extended the deadline for Abstract submission because the Conference will be held in April instead of March. Interested parties should submit a 150-200 words summary of their proposed paper. The Title of the paper and current, brief biography of the author/s should also be submitted.
The complete guidelines for Abstracts can be found on our website.
Need your help !!!!!
In the past, we had tried to build a reference table of where TRIZ was being taught in the academic community. I would like to revisit this project and provide to our TRIZ followers such a list on our web site. if you have any input please provide: Instuctor’s name; Course title; Institution’s name; country; email address.
Even if you submitted this information in the past, please resubmit so that we have a current list. Your help with this project will benefit all TRIZ users worldwide.
TRIZ Certification Program
As a result of a meeting at TRIZCON2004, Victor Fey, Chairman of the Education Committee is currently developing an outline for a TRIZ Certification Program. The proposal that was due in August will be delayed several weeks. As soon as the draft is available, it will be reviewed and discussed by members of the Altshuller Institute and the Russian TRIZ Association.
The intent of this certification program is to have a ‘universal benchmark’ for certification that will be recognized worldwide. Such an endeavor is comprehensive and difficult. We will have more on this matter as milestones are achieved.
ETRIA Conference next November
Another reminder!!!! ETRIA World Conference:TRIZ Future 2004
November 3-5, 2004 University of Florence, Florence, Italy
The proposal for 2004 is to focus the aim of the conference toward the integration of TRIZ with other methodologies/tools and the dissemination of systematic innovation practices even through Small and Medium Enterprises.
To get more information …
:: email us
:: visit our site
phone: 508-799-6601
Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies, Inc. · 100 Barber Avenue ·
Worcester · MA · 01606
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