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September 2009's TRIZ Journal

Welcome to the September 2009 Issue of The TRIZ Journal!

| On 07, Sep 2009

Welcome to the September 2009 issue of The TRIZ Journal! We’re happy to be back.

We missed posting some “live” reflections on the 5th Senior Conference on TRIZ Researching and TRIZ-Fest 2009, but we’ve saved the reports and are sharing them in this issue:

Finally, we have an article from TRIZCON2009 – “Using TRIZ to Develop a New Stirling/Brayton Engine” by Noel Leon-Rovira and Arturo Moreno-Lehmann.

Farewell and Welcome

We bid a fond farewell this month to Marco de Carvalho and Paul Filmore. Both devoted many hours to The TRIZ Journal in the past year – reviewing submissions, encouraging article improvements and otherwise assisting in improving each month’s issue. We are grateful to both for the support and dedication and look forward to publishing their articles in the future.

As one door closes, another opens – and we are pleased to introduce the new editorial panel: Prakasan Kappoth, Jack Hipple and Gaetano Cascini join founding editor Ellen Domb. Join me in welcoming them to the panel!


Until October, happy TRIZ reading!

Katie Barry

Gaetano Cascini, Ellen Domb, Jack Hipple, Prakasan Kappoth
Editorial Panel