Use of TRIZ to Teach Mathematics
Editor | On 01, Jan 2010
Message: 1466Posted by: Claude Meylan
Posted on: Tuesday, 28th October 2008
How far is TRIZ relevant to teach mathematics? Any experience to share?
Message: 1468
Posted by: Michel Lecoq
Posted on: Tuesday, 4th November 2008
There was an article at Triz Future ETRIA 2007 :TRIZ-FRACTALITY OF MATHEMATICS Victor Berdonosov, Elena Redkolisshowing history of mathematics thru the eyes of TRIZ trends of evolution.
Message: 1469
Posted by: Nikolai Khomenko
Posted on: Wednesday, 5th November 2008
Some names on Math, Classical TRIZ and OTSM for teaching Math.
Alla NesterenkoPh.D.was keynote at TRIZCON 2007.
She was a leader of implementation elements of Classical TRIZ for education from first grade of Elementary school till graduation. She has a team of teacher. And she defends Ph.D. on using TRIZ and OTSM for teaching at school.
Sergey Efremov, is professional teacher of elementary school and home school teacher. He developed lot of useful educational techniques to apply for teaching kids of elementary school to Math.
Svetlana Guin is a professional teacher of elementary school. She develop educational set of materials for developing thinking skills in preschoolers. It use some elements of classical TRIZ and related to Math as well.
Some basics of math for kindergarten was done also by Tatiana Sidorchuk Ph.D. She also was a keynote at TRIZCON 2006.
Galina Terekhova Ph.D. is a professional teacher of Elementary school and professor of Pedagogical University in Chelyabinsk, Russia. She develop approach to teach kids of elementary school not only Math but all other subjects kids learn in Russian Elementary schools.
If someone interested to get direct contact to those people let me know: Nikolai.Khomenko
Message: 1474
Posted by: Alla Nesterenko
Posted on: Friday, 7th November 2008
Unfortunately, I have no info about English papers on this topic. I can inform colleagues about the situation in Russian Education.1) Galina Belova, the member of my group, has developed some procedures for teaching middle-school students researching in Mathematics. She builds the way from mathematical “data-boxes” to mathematical effects (if… then…). By using these procedures students come to the effects themselves. I have applied the procedures to Primary school. 2) I tried to consider the opportunities of using contradictions in Math. The content of our school Education allows some simple contradictions only. For example, “I don't skill to work with object “1”, but I skill working with object “2”. So, the object has to be “2” for working by this way and it has to be “1” by the data. How can I transform it without destroying its mathematical sense? (I don't skill to find the area of triangle, but I skill to find the area of rectangle. What must I do?)I have some more examples in my work “Knowledge Workshop”, but its in Russian too, sorry.If you have concrete questions, I am ready to share my experience.
Message: 1475
Posted by: Pentti Sšderlin
Posted on: Friday, 7th November 2008
To apply TRIZ in mathematics is somewhat dubious. Prominent to maths is that there always excists only one answer, the right one. In creative problem solving there are many solutions. TRIZ is a good problem solving tool, which gives many answers. So please keep them apart!
The same applies to any other management tools, e.g. Six Sigma and TRIZ. Don't try desperately to join them, but apply them separately.