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trizcon2008 Archives - The Triz Journal

Tuesday at TRIZCON2008

15/04/2008 |

Ellen Domb

Mansour Ashtiani won the election for President of the Altshuller Institute, and Don Masingale will become Secretary.  Tim Schweizer and Richard Langevin continue as VP and Treasurer, respectively.

The conference began with a fascinating talk by Dr. Cemil Inan, … Read More

Monday at TRIZCON2008

14/04/2008 |

Ellen Domb

 Amir Roggel from Intel started the conference with a masterful keynote address—he applied his TRIZ sensibility to create a talk that was both educational and entertaining, and a true “key” note, setting themes for the conference of modernizing TRIZ … Read More

Trizcon2008 – Sunday Report

13/04/2008 |

Ellen Domb

The experimental workshop on the US$10million Automotive X-Prize at the Altshuller Institute TRIZCON2008 started Sunday morning with delegates from Germany, Israel, Ireland, UK, Korea, Taiwan, and multiple parts of the US;  from the electronics, automotive, aerospace, control systems … Read More