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iberoamerican Archives - The Triz Journal

Report from the 2nd IberoAmerican Technological Innovation Congress

30/10/2007 |

Ellen Domb

Tuesday was the opening day of the Congress, in Monterrey Mexico, at the conference center of the University Autonoma de Nueva Leon. Amazing view of the city! More than 40 people participated in the tutorial sessions, with the distance … Read More

Report on First Iberoamerican Innovation Technology Congress, Puebla, Mexico Sept. 4-6. 2006.

20/10/2006 |

By Ellen Domb

These are short summary reports from the 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Innovación Tecnológica in Puebla, MX. They were orginally posted live during the meeting as an experiment on They are short partly because of my … Read More