1st Israeli TRIZ Conference Report
Editor | On 01, Mar 2010
By Isak Bukhman
The first Israeli TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) conference took place at the Holon Institute of Technology on November 23, 2009 and was hosted by the Holon Institute of Technology.
The main objective of the conference was achieved when TRIZ was introduced in Israel to the academic and industrial community through high level tutorial presentations for newcomers and through the presentation of professional papers by Israeli TRIZ practitioners.

About 200 people attended the conference. There were participants from various sectors. Approximately 65 percent of the audience members represented leading companies of different domains of Israeli industries. Scientists and teaching staff of Israeli universities and institutes represented approximately 20 percent of the audience with approximately ten percent of audience members represented by TRIZ services providers.
Professor Gady Golan, dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the Holon Institute of Technology presented the “Technology Leaders” program, which includes the following courses:
- Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Business Plan Strategies
- TRIZ Methodology and Application
- Negotiating Technology and Development of Communication Skills
“Inventive Thinking: TRIZ Methodology and Application” has been incorporated into engineering studies for the first time in Israel, as a part of the “Technology Leaders” program with courses in electronics engineering at the Holon Institution of Technology.
Overview of Presentations
TRIZ Tutorials
TRIZ overview by Isak Bukhman, VP, Altshuller Institute, Master of TRIZ
The main goal of the lecture was to introduce main TRIZ ideas and philosophies to a wide audience. Three directions were highlighted:
- TRIZ overview and main ideas
- Where TRIZ can be applied
- Benefits of using TRIZ
TRIZ Innovation Roadmaps for Projects Creation and Problem Solving by Isak Bukhman, VP, Altshuller Institute, Master of TRIZ
The main target of the lecture was to present how to use the modules of TRIZ in combination with other proven methods for project creation and problem solving. The TRIZ value innovation roadmap is the basic source for the individual project innovation roadmap creation.
TRIZ Theory and Methodology – Lectures from Different Science Disciplines
Industrial Mathematics and Systematic Inventive Thinking by Adir Pridor, Ph.D. President and CEO, Industrial Mathematics LTD
The pivot of industrial mathematics is the creation of mathematical models that adequately represent practical environments, posing needs for new solutions or insight. This abstraction process shares a few significant features in common with systematic inventive thinking. Such aspects of mathematical modeling were illustrated with some case studies taken from real-world applications such as production scheduling, day-care management and traffic control.
Inventive Thinking: Who and When by Professor Shulamith Kreitler, Tel-Aviv University, Department of Psychology
The lecture focused on identifying the cognitive and personality characteristics of individuals who lean toward inventive thinking in comparison with individuals who lean toward creative thinking. Cognitive characteristics were explored in terms of the theory of meaning (created by psychology professors Shulamith Kreitler and Hans Kreitler) and motivational processes in terms of the cognitive orientation theory (also created by Kreitler and Kreitler).
It was shown that creative thinking was characterized by a balanced emphasis on processes underlying both personal-subjective meanings and interpersonal shared meanings, while inventive thinking relies predominantly on processes characterizing interpersonal shared meanings. Creative thinking relies motivationally on promoting inner world and needs while contributing to society at large. Inventive thinking, rather, relies on a more functionally-oriented motivation focused on the external world and the immediate needs in an individual’s environment. A major conclusion is that inventive thinking differs from creative thinking both in the involved cognitive processes as well as in the underlying motivations, however, both types of thinking are necessary and may be promoted by focused interventions.
Biomimicry Technology and TRIZ by Dr. Sara Greenberg, Faculty of Engineering, Holon Institute of Technology
Shape, size, sound, color and behavior are only a short list of nature’s parameters that was used to carry out vital functions such as camouflage, warning, attraction and survival.
The use of existing natural phenomenon and effects as resources for problem solving and system development is one of the fundamental TRIZ ideas. Biomimicry is one such resource. Biomimics, one of nature’s solutions was used as a solution prototype for problem solving in different fields of technology: engineering, architecture, medicine, biotechnology and aviation. Biomimics solutions allow engineers to comprehend the law of synchronization of system parameters (this law states that the necessary condition for existence of any effective technical system is the coordination of its related parameters) in the most accessible and effective way.
Organization Vision and Targets as a Cause of Failure and Ways to Overcome it with TRIZ by Ido Lapidot, Intel Systematic Innovation, TRIZ leader
Most organizations tend to develop their own unique culture. This culture influences the behaviors of individuals and teams who are part of the organization. The culture eventually creates thinking patterns and paradigms. Problems arise when these paradigms guide the organization to make the same type of decisions over and over again, oblivious to other potential alternatives. Over time, the organization is at risk if it is not able to fulfill the full potential of its resources, products and services; creating waste and opening the door for competition.
Integrating TRIZ concepts into the classical management vision pyramid can help the organization identify its “right” vision and mission.
Formulating organizational targets and indicators using two contradictive dimensions will help the organization avoid “show stoppers” in the form of psychological inertia. This allows the organization to continually increase its value while setting one-dimensional targets, which creates the risk of focusing on one dominant domain only and over time reduction in organization value.
Customer Needs Identification with Modern TRIZ Tools by Dr. Anatoly Agulyansky, Senior Integration Engineer, Intel
Note: this presentation was included in the program of the conference but was cancelled by the author.
The Development of Novel Bone Cement for Treatment of Vertebral Compression Fractures (VCFs) by Ronen Shavit, R&D Engineer, NMB
The common treatment procedure for Vertebral Compression Fractures or VCFs, named Vertebroplasty, is based on the injection of a mixture of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), bone cement and a contrast agent into the vertebral bodies using fluoroscopy. An alternative treatment procedure developed in the United States, named Kyphoplasty, involves the introduction of an inflatable bone tamp into the compressed vertebral body with the intention to elevate the compressed vertebra. The balloon expansion creates a cavity, which is then filled with a PMMA-based bone cement mixture. The main disadvantage of both the procedures was PMMA bone cement leakage. The high viscosity bone cement was proposed to be used because of its ability to maintain high viscosity during the whole Vertebroplasty procedure. Another benefit of using the high viscosity bone cement was to shorten the procedure time allowing the surgeon to treat more than one vertebra during a single procedure.
TRIZ in Industry
Creative Technological Solutions Using Systematic Inventive Thinking by Professor Gady Golan, Dean,Faculty of Engineering, Holon Institute of Technology
This paper described the possibility of systematic inventive thinking using structured algorithms. This systematic method of thinking stands behind many past inventions in the 20th century.
The main idea in finding solutions to problems using the inventive thinking tools is by looking for essential contradictions in the system. This essential contradiction and the ways to reveal it, is the heart of the new course.
At the Holon Institute of Technology they decided to recognize the “inventive thinking” course as an integrated part of the engineering curricula together with “entrepreneurship and marketing” as a complete unit for the future of the “technological leadership program.”
Intel TRIZ Story by Amir Roggel, Intel Systematic Innovation, TRIZ leader
Intel is the leader in the semiconductor Industry. A 40-year track record in innovation and global presence in multiple countries and sites, makes the introduction of systematic innovation methods and TRIZ a challenging journey.
Intel’s innovation vision into the 21st century and the typical problem solving needs in an advanced semiconductor company were highlighted. The progress of TRIZ at the Intel Corporation and its propagation approaches were discussed. Examples of TRIZ applications were also provided.
The Secret of ARIZ – Removing Production Line Constraint Example by Eli Youker, Process and Equipment Engineer, Intel
Note: this presentation was included in the program of the conference but was cancelled by the author.
A Case Study of Improving Optical Lenses in the Israeli Industry by Dr. Alex Chernobelsky
During the manufacturing of eye lenses, microscopic debris appeared and damaged a high percentage of the product. The problem was solved by changing the lenses polishing material from glass to a synthetic polymer using TRIZ methodology for problem solving.
Note: this presentation was not included in the program of the conference but was added via a conference chairman decision.
Reduce R&D to Production Transfer Risk by Reverse TRIZ Semantic Analysis by Alex Talalyevsky, Manufacturing and Development Engineer, Intel
Defining and predicting failures precisely is an important part of any manufacturing or business process. It is most beneficial in preventing surprises during the “lab to fab” stage when the main product is expected by a hungry market. This early stage of any goods fabrication usually requires fast and high quality transfer to the fabrication of tools, processes, quality control systems and supporting procedures as they were developed in the lab, to reduce the risk. This stage is usually defined as a bad time for changes. Thus, the level of prediction and accuracy of risk assessment should be equal to the level of readiness for troubleshooting in case of failure. The currently used failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) standard has not evolved for many years and does not conform with modern industry requirements. It does not direct how to find and generate the required solution when failure appears.
Software for TRIZ and FMEA was found in practice to be a complete tool, which conforms to all requirements. The paper gave an example of TRIZ FMEA usage on a live project at an Intel fabrication site where semantic analysis and reverse thinking helped and negligible procedural corrections can lead to maximal benefits. Some of the live case details were generalized to guard Intel’s intellectual property rights.
The case study presented in this work illustrated the following:
- The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving methodology is usable for risk reduction during “lab to fab” technology transfer in any of the existing high volume manufacturing industries.
- The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and FMEA are compatible with fabrication site needs, possibilities and business keeper monitoring systems or BKMs.
- The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving analysis tools increases fabrication personnel expertise in a short time.
- The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and FMEA are compatible with all types of industries whose business is sequential goods fabrication or transportation.
- The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving and FMEA offer a significant milestone in TRIZ integration within high volume manufacturing industries.
TRIZ in Schools and Universities
Creativity and Education by Professor Yuli Tamir, member of the Israeli parliament
Professor Yuli Tamir was the special guest at the conference representing Israeli parliament members and the education policy as the former minister of education.
In her talk, Tamir discussed the following topics:
- Formal education does not include “the engine” needed for developing creativity in schools.
- What would be the appropriate combination between formal and creativity education in the Israeli education system?
- New methodologies for “creative thinking skills” should be incorporated in Israeli teaching programs.
Development of TRIZ in Israel by Vladimir Petrov, ITA President, Master of TRIZ
Note: this presentation was included in the program of the conference but was cancelled by the author.
TRIZ Master Panel
The TRIZ masters panel, which included Vladimir Petrov, Yehuda Stupniker and Isak Bukhman, was asked two questions:
- “Is TRIZ a science?”
- “How is TRIZ represented in education?”
The answer to the first question was unanimous – TRIZ is a science.
Members of the panel gave reconcilable answers on the second question. Petrov mentioned that TRIZ is not represented enough in the area of education and this situation should be improved. Stupniker focused attention on the moral aspects of TRIZ education and the responsibility of TRIZ deployment. Bukhman proposed to introduce TRIZ as a specialty into institutes of technology with traditional academics degrees.
The conference organizational committee would like to express their deep appreciation to the Holon Institute of Technology team, to all the presenters, to TRIZ supporters and to all participants for their devotion and hard work.
Conference chairperson and member of conference organizational committee
Dr. Sara Greenberg, TRIZ and Systematic Innovation, Holon institute of technology; Academic community representative.
Members of the conference organizational committee
- Professor Gady Golan, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Holon Institute of technology. Initiating and promoting TRIZ studies for engineers in Israel.
- Amir Roggel, Systematic Innovation TRIZ leader, Intel; MATRIZ board member; Industrial community representative.
- Isak Bukhman, VP of Altshuller Institute, Master of TRIZ. A professional TRIZ advisor and specialist.