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first Archives - The Triz Journal

Wow In Music – First We Take Manhattan

18/09/2019 |

Darrell Mann

With 20/ 20 hindsight, it makes perfect sense that Jennifer Warnes’ exquisite 1986 album, Famous Blue Raincoat: The Songs of Leonard Cohen, became a critical and commercial success. After all, Cohen is now widely regarded as one of … Read More

Generational Cycles – (Generational) First Principles

28/07/2019 |

Darrell Mann

Every complex problem has a thousand clear, simple wrong answers. But it also has the potential for a clear, simple correct one provided we understand the first principles from which the complexity emerges. Strauss & Howe’s generation model, … Read More

ValuesMatch – First Principle Mapping Of Enterprise & Individual Values

05/08/2018 |

Darrell Mann

How do you know if new job candidates will fit with the values of your enterprise? How do you know that current employees do the same? That they are authentically ‘talking the talk’? Especially since, looking at the … Read More

First Principles First

17/06/2018 |

Darrell Mann

“As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to … Read More

First Principle Incentives In Academia

12/01/2018 |

Darrell Mann

Back in August, we introduced a case study on ‘Perverse Incentives in Academia’ (Issue 185). The point of that article was to try and help those caught in the problem to escape from the usual either/or pendulum-swing solutions … Read More

First Israeli TRIZ Conference Report

01/03/2010 |

The first Israeli TRIZ conference took place at the Holon Institute of Technology on November 23, 2009. TRIZ was introduced in Israel to the academic and industrial community through high level tutorial presentations.Read More

Day 3 Report: First International Conference on Systematic Innovation

25/01/2010 |

Ellen Domb

The conference banquet on Monday night was held in the university’s reception hall.   We sat at large round tables and shared many dishes, which enhanced the opportunities for conference delegates to get to know each other.  The banquet was … Read More

Day 2 Report: First International Conference on Systematic Innovation

24/01/2010 |

Ellen Domb

The tutorial speaker for day 2 at the Systematic Innovation Conference  is Professor Jay Lee, whose primary work is at the U. of Cincinnati in the US and Shanghai Jia Tong University in China.   His talk on “Dominant Design … Read More

Report from First International Conference on Systematic Innovation

23/01/2010 |

Ellen Domb

This conference has been planned for over a year, and features many innovations in conference organization, as well as the many papers, tutorials, and discussions of all aspects of systematic innovation.   For example, tutorial sessions were planned for Saturday … Read More

Does Innovation Come First or Last?

01/01/2010 |

There's a lot of talk about innovation and six sigma…Should innovation come first?  Then six sigma?  Or should you start to innovate after getting all processes under control?  ThRead More

Ideal Final Interface – What Should Have Come First, User Interface or Function?

26/05/2009 |

Prakasan Kappoth

I was introduced by this book called “Design of Everyday Things” authored by Donald Norman by a friend of mine few years back. I was ignorant to the fact that there is such a great amount of work going on in the … Read More

Report on First Iberoamerican Innovation Technology Congress, Puebla, Mexico Sept. 4-6. 2006.

20/10/2006 |

By Ellen Domb

These are short summary reports from the 1er Congreso Iberoamericano de Innovación Tecnológica in Puebla, MX. They were orginally posted live during the meeting as an experiment on They are short partly because of my … Read More

Personal Report of The First TRIZ Symposium in Japan

16/11/2005 |

By: Toru Nakagawa

Held by the Collaborative Board of TRIZ Promoters and Users in Japan on Sept. 1 – 3, 2005, at Shuzenji, Izu, Japan Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ., Japan), Oct. 9, 2005 [Posted on Oct. 12, 2005]

Editor’s … Read More

First TRIZ Symposium in Japan

16/11/2005 |

First TRIZ Symposium in Japan Held on Sept. 1-3, 2005, at Shuzenji, Izu

Reports and Presentations (Posted after the Symposium)

Web Master: Toru Nakagawa (Osaka Gakuin Univ.) Posted on: Sept. 20, and Oct. 12, 2005

Japan TRIZ CB has held … Read More

Using TRIZ in Architecture: First Steps

12/11/2005 |

By: Darrell Mann, Conall Ó Catháin

Abstract: Guided by a strategic philosophy, the TRIZ approach consists of restating a specific design task in a more general way and then selecting generic solutions from general formulations of principle, from previously-identified evolutionary … Read More

The First Senior Conference on TRIZ Researching of China

29/09/2005 |

Our correspondent (and author) Gao Changqing has sent this report on the conference held in July in China: The First Senior Conference on TRIZ Researching of China was held successfully in Hebei University of Technology on July 24, 2005. Professor … Read More

First gathering of the SIT Innovation Community in the Netherlands

25/04/2004 |

First gathering of the SIT Innovation Community in the Netherlands From the ASIT newsletter,

* * * * A Special Message for our Dutch readers * * * *

Based in the Netherlands? Interested in systematic innovation? On June … Read More

First Japan IM (Invention Machine) User Group Conference Report

18/02/2001 |

Invention Technologies Team Mitsubishi Research Institute Yoshihisa Konishi,

This is a brief report on the Japan Invention Machine User Group Conference, which was held for the first time in fall 2000. About 80 people, including staff from MRI and … Read More

Situation analysis – a must first step in a problem solving process

25/04/2000 |

Mark G. Barkan Principal, Concept Catalysts, Inc.

The thoughts in this paper are the result of many years of attempts at solving various problems, technical and “soft”. These thoughts have been discussed with my fellow … Read More