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Baldrige Criteria by Abdulrahman

Baldrige Criteria by Abdulrahman

| On 01, Jan 2010

Message: 1528
Posted by: John
Posted on: Thursday, 1st January 2009

We select this statements from a paper to Prof.S.Al AbdulRahman -Published :1999 .The statements speaking about the Criteria that encourage concepts and values in Baldrige Model. Please, try to read it and then put your comments with best wishes for all.

By : Prof.S.Al AbdulRahamn

Companies use the Baldrige criteria in different ways, some for self-assessment, others as part of internal recognition processes. Some use part of the criteria; others tailor them to the type of business being assessed. The common factors in all these approaches are the core concepts and values embedded in the criteria .These principles provide the foundation for all the criteria and help tie business requirements to the results they produce.

Understanding these underlying concepts is critical for widespread acceptance and use of the criteria. In NIST's Baldrige examiner training, students perform a case study exercise that ties the values and concepts with the approaches the company has described.

Baldrige criteria do a great job of dissecting the various elements of a business into bite-sized pieces to facilitate assessment. But unless the assessment is performed in the broader context of the core concepts and values, the feedback report may be off target, less understandable, and often shallow.

Message: 1532
Posted by: Priyavrat Thareja
Posted on: Thursday, 8th January 2009

But unless the assessment is performed in the broader context of the core concepts and values, the feedback report may be off target, less understandable”

Objective Evaluation is fairly easy: You have set answers, and simply match them.

In Subjective evaluation one has to align with the ground map of the examinee… Merely ridiculing one, because of, may be, the examiners ability to catch up with the 'between the lines stuff' must deprive the society of impending inventions and innovations.

What are the core concept and Values, the Baldrige case is working through? Do they have meticulously applied… for achieving a 'Value and some creditable value of business metrics'?

The day Baldrige winners are selected while neglecting the former 'Value'… the award would have already signed off into oblivion.

Priyavrat Thareja