Editor | On 28, May 2005
Dear Ellen,
Record numbers of Newsletter participants!
Last month our membership increased by 10%.
That is terrific! Keep up the good work and share this TRIZ Newsletter with a friend. There are 1,000’s of potential subscribers who are not getting this valuable resource. I encourage all of you to forward your E-Newsletter to friends and get them to sign up for the FREE monthly up dates and TRIZ news.
The goal is to have 2,000 subscribers by May 2005. TRIZCON2005!!!
is quickly approaching. Less than 2 weeks before we commence the learning experience of the year. Come and learn about TRIZ from the Masters and listen how TRIZ users have been able to solve difficult problems for their companies. See “The Next Big Event” for more details.
There are many new participants coming to TRIZCON2005 in April. The list includes:
Boeing, Inter Quality Services-Germany, Intel, Iwint- China, LG Cable, and Laboratoire de Genie Chimique- France only to name a few. I hope that you will be there to share our excitement for 2005 and that you will be at TRIZCON2005.
Richard Langevin
Executive Director
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