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| On 01, Jan 2010

Message: 398
Posted by: Thorsteinn
Posted on: Sunday, 25th March 2007

Do you consider this innovative?

AidMarket's mission is to provide a marketplace for foreign aid and philanthropic work. An open source market for individuals and organizations to propose small-scale projects that promise positive development given piecemeal improvements. AidMarket enhances the impact of aid on poverty reduction by enabling donors to get more involved in the development effort. AidMarket is apolitical and will maintain account transparency. Our long term goal is to improve the quality and availability of educational material to the poor.

I AM part of the solution. How are You involved?

The world is full of miserable places. One way of living comfortably is not to think about them or, when you do, to donate money to some large fund that has a particular mission. AidMarket is set on providing another way for donors to get involved.

To get involved, institutions, agencies, companies, groups, and individuals must, at no cost, register as an agent. When you register as an agent on, you become an “I AM”. Agents can contribute anywhere from a few dollars to thousands of dollars to the project(s) they find most worthy. Agents can assume responsibility for particular necessities or cost particular expenditures. AidMarket enables donors, in a sense, to 'shop' for the means of their contribution.

Not all I AM agents must assume responsibility for particular necessities. However, for sustainable development, someone must be responsible for the integral parts of any given project. Those who wish to limit their involvement to the contribution of funds can either contribute to a project fund or choose to cost something on the work order that doesn't require any future responsibilities.

The “I” is assigned to agents to increase their sense of individual accountability. The transparent bookkeeping of AidMarket enables agents to monitor the effect of their involvement. It gives donors the opportunity to observe the benefits of their contribution, as opposed to seeing it drowned in the total sums of international agencies. Agents will have the right to rate the cost/ben analysis of particular projects so that the projects that are most needed will surface and are made more visible. Similarly, the I AM agents can rate the overall performance of double I AM agents (II AMs).

When the time comes, AidMarket will establish a prestigious award for those I AM and II AM agents whose effort and achievements stand out. This award, in combination with individual accountability and the visibility of progress, will increase the weight of pride in oneÔs work as well as the incentive one has for reaching positive outcomes. I AM part of the solution. How are you involved?