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TRIZ Journal's March Issue

TRIZ Journal’s March Issue

| On 01, Mar 2016



Hello fellow TRIZ readers. This has been an interesting month as we continue working our ambitious to-do list with the TRIZ expert database, webinars and other digital content, and all-encompassing TRIZ events list. We are also working on something big, but our lips are sealed for now! While we have a lot more work to do, things are going well, and we hope to have some great news soon on launch dates for many of these new features for the journal.

This month, we have three great articles and a unique book review. With the mindset of problem solving, we are going to expand our knowledgebase to include new and unique problem-solving articles that may not be necessarily focused on TRIZ. Dr. Ed Sickafus’s article “Problem Solving Without Logic” is a great example. This article is part 2 of a submission to ETRIA this past year. On another front we have received a fantastic review of Andrei Seryi’s new book Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasm. We are excited to be working with Andrei and hope in the future to be highlighting more TRIZ books and new problem solving methods in the hopes we can continue pushing the value of TRIZ and systematic problem solving.

Happy reading and thank you for being a continued supporter of the journal! Without our loyal readers and articles we receive, the journal would have no reason to exist.

At any time you would like to submit an article or have thoughts on how to improve the journal, website, or the monthly issues, please reach out to me at I look forward to connecting with each of you personally via email or LinkedIn.

Derek Bennington
Managing Director



By Dr. EdSickafus

Cognitive scientists have a new model of how the thinking brain works in problem solving, called the bilevel model. It offers the first opportunity to develop new problem-solving methods, authenticated by research results from cognitive scientists, since deprecation of the lateralization model in the last century.    Read more



By CheolWoong Kim, MinSikRyu*, Jun Hee Cho,Chae Moon Lim, Bo Min Park, Yong Kyu Lee, HeeJin Lee, Jae Hee Song and Kwon Hong

There are numerous studies and methods on creativity and people strive to enhance creativity through artificial methods. However, controlled thinking may degrade the performance of idea generation. In this context, this study suggested mixed approaches, and supported it through experiment. Read More



By Vladimir Petrov

TRIZ includes a number of tools. It can be difficult for a beginner solver to properly select a specific TRIZ tool, or a group of tools and the sequence of their use during a project. This paper presents the attempt to show consistency in using different tools for some types of problems and a sequential process which was developed as an algorithm shown in the flowchart in the paper. Read More



By Andrei Seryi
With Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma, Andrei Seryi has written a fascinating account. … The book makes a bold and visionary pledge, which it claims could, if successful, transform science and our daily lives. Read More