overcome Archives - The Triz Journal
Student Corner: Overcome Assumptions – Use Fuzzy Logic
04/02/2008 | EditorClassic logic comes down to the law of the excluded third – A or not A, white or not white. In ancient Greece they started to consider paradoxes – a "mismatch" problem, "The world is gray, but science is black and white."Read More
Using TRIZ to Overcome Business Contradictions: Profitable E-Commerce
20/04/2001 | EditorFirst published in the Proceedings of TRIZCON2001, The Altshuller Institute, March 2001.
Darrell MANN Industrial Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY, UK Phone: +44 (1225) 826465 Fax: +44 (1225) 826928 E-mail: D.L.Mann@bath.ac.uk