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modelling Archives - The Triz Journal

Modelling for Innovation, Invention and Discovery

01/01/2010 |

Hi,Apropos you  discussion on  Discovery, Innovation and Invention  may I opine 'My (your's) Open Description Of Exemplary Logics  (Model)  about them is perhapsRead More

Modelling 40 Innovation Principles with “Moving Little People”

18/07/2003 |

By: Pavel Livotov Pavel Livotov, Ph. D. TriSolver oHG, Hanover, Germany phone +49 511 860 8343; fax +49 511 860 8345 e-mail: internet:

Abstract The article describes a recent approach to enhance creativity and output using 40 Innovation … Read More

Case Studies In TRIZ: A Novel Heat Exchanger (Use of Function Analysis Modelling to Find and Eliminate Contradictions)

03/12/1999 |

A version of this paper was first prepared for the First International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design, held in Prague during June 1999. A different version was also presented at the 3rd European Invention Machine User Group Conference in … Read More