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manufacturing Archives - The Triz Journal

Applications of TRIZ in Flurochemical Manufacturing

01/01/2010 |

Please describe the applications of TRIZ in flurochemical manufacturing industry.Read More

TRIZ Application In Device & Manufacturing Electrostatic Discharge Control

05/06/2006 |

Teong-San Yeoh Intel Technology Sdn. Bhd. Penang, Malaysia

ABSTRACT Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) is a common failure mechanism found in semiconductor device manufacturing. ESD can be generated from humans, machines or even during the handling of these semiconductor devices. This … Read More

Limiting Contradictions In A Photographic Paper Manufacturing Process

16/04/2004 |

Introductions Engineering systems, and particularly their associated production manufacture operations, are subject to limits in their fundamental capability. Understanding how and why these limits occur is an essential precursor to overcoming them. This article builds on previous work examining the … Read More

Constraint-dominated Breakthrough Innovation in a Manufacturing Process Situation (a Case Study from the Photographic Paper Manufacture Industry)

15/02/2004 |

By: Ian Mitchell, Darrell Mann

Abstract All systems hit limits. All attempts to try and improve a system that has hit its fundamental limit are destined to fail. In such situations, additional improvement can only be achieved by making changes … Read More

Innovation Process As A Key To The Market Success In The Engine Manufacturing Business

03/01/2004 |

ABSTRACT In the coming years, the aircraft industry is faced not only with a rising traffic volume together with an adjustment to large market fluctuations, but also to an increasing demand for environmental protection and more aggressive cost pressure. In … Read More

Book Review: Manufacturing Handbook of Best Practices

18/11/2002 |

By: Ellen Domb

Title: Manufacturing Handbook of Best Practices: An Innovation, Productivity, and Quality Focus Edited by Jack B. ReVelle. TRIZ chapter by Steve Ungvari Publisher: St. Lucie Press/APICS Series on Resource Management. 2002. Hard cover, 433 pages. … Read More

Virtual Manufacturing and Knowledge-Based Design: Society of Automotive Engineers Topical Technical Conference

14/12/1997 |

Ellen Domb, Editor The TRIZ Journal


The SAE Topical Technical Conferences focus on specific issues, and bring together diverse experts in the field with people active in implementation of the methods being discussed. … Read More