Innovation General
A New Economy Leads to Knowledge Channel Innovation
Opening up the innovation process can bring powerful results by expanding the scope of available concepts and options. “Insiders” are powerful innovators too, understanding opportunities from the perspective of those who create products and services.
Agile Project Management Part Four
Discover steps on how to deliver an agile system and how to understand risks and resolve issues.
Agile Project Management Part One
Organizations must cope with continual change while still delivering the best products and services. This is nothing new and managers have become skilled at juggling changing priorities. What is different is that customer expectations have changed.
Agile Project Management Part Three
Agility is about recognizing that an individual cannot know everything at the start of a project. This does not mean an individual waits for perfect data. Instead get on with the project at hand and fill in gaps over time through data development.
Agile Project Management Part Two
All organizations must cope with continual change while still delivering the best products and services. This is not new and managers have become skilled at juggling changing priorities. What is different is that customer expectations have changed.
Ambidextrous Innovation
Tactical innovation takes place within strategic innovation. Strategic innovation causes tactical innovation to be renewed continually. This system adds continuous innovation to that of continuous improvement within an ambidextrous organization.
Analogies Are the Way of Breakthrough Innovation
Innovation experts as a whole seem to be missing the power of TRIZ or have overlooked it, perhaps because it remains a method primarily used by the technical community. Yet the alignment is clear: a system of analogies rules the efficacy of innovation.
Assess Personal Innovation Levels
When people to learn anything new, they turn to the experts. To learn about innovation, one must learn from the best innovators. The processes of inventors Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison to produce knowledge solutions can be used as benchmarks.
Begin a Systematic Innovation Practice – Step One
Innovation is on almost every CEO’s agenda. The first step in pursuing innovation is to understand what type of innovation a company needs and how many resources a company should commit to developing a systematic innovation practice.
Begin a Systematic Innovation Practice: Step Three
With an understanding of the types of, and strategic planning aspects of, innovation, the next step for a company’s leadership is committing to innovation for its value proposition.
Build a Library of Innovation Books
The following is a list of innovation books that will broaden horizons and help readers discover the keys to systematic innovation, open innovation, disruptive innovation, TRIZ and more.
Ensuring Successful New Products and Services
While failure can occur for any number of reasons, many times it results from an inability to provide better value for the customer. Organizations can lessen their chance of failure by focusing on several key areas where mistakes are likely to occur.
Famous Innovation Quotations
Many of the articles on Real Innovation contain famous innovation quotations. For the first time, these quotations are collected in their own article.
Five Philosophies for Delivering Innovative Products
The root cause to innovation mishaps is that companies have forgotten that innovation cannot be just about new features, products or technology. All innovation efforts must be directed toward products and solutions that customers desire.
Fueling Innovation Through New Organizational Forms
Irrespective of the specific factors driving organizational change, it is clear that new organizational forms have emerged. These new forms offer insights for organizational design and change and are key drivers for innovation and growth.
Global Complexity Challenges Innovative Enterprises
As globalization increases there is a corresponding explosion of global complexity. Survival in today’s world depends on continuous learning and innovation. People are losing confidence in their own abilities to make decisions in this atmosphere.
Hybridization – Innovation Should Be Integrated
Innovation competencies should not be practiced as stand-alone methodologies. Just as incremental learning needs to be integrated with a prior knowledge base, innovation competencies need to be integrated with other competencies in an organization.
Ideal New Product Development Team
When attending a performance by a symphony orchestra, the audience witnesses a tightly coupled, highly predictable process executed by a high-functioning multifunctional team. This is exactly how product development should be executed.
Innovation Evaluation Framework: Use Community
Evaluating an innovation by community can reduce switching barriers for consumers in at least two regards: 1) a community demonstrates that other people have made the change successfully and 2) a community becomes an advocate for the innovation.
Innovation Evaluation Framework: Use Completeness
Many innovations are technical capabilities looking for a problem to solve, rather than a complete solution. This problem is true whether the innovations are products, services or business models.
Innovation Evaluation Framework: Use Convenience
For an innovation to succeed, it must offer more convenience than the existing solution. Whether the target consumer or customer is a homemaker or an executive, innovations that improve convenience over existing solutions will attract attention.
Innovation Taught In the Classroom
Some colleges and universities are realizing the future’s need for continuous innovation and have implemented innovation classes, programs and degrees. The following list features an array of these learning institutions and their innovation offerings.
Innovation: Complexity, Contradictions and Costs
The right product delivered at the right time with the right margin – the business excellence triad. You must learn to balance innovation complexity, contradictions and costs to achieve the triad.
Make Better Design Decisions With VOC
Companies that have advanced their voice of the customer (VOC) methods to the next level have a lot of cycles with customers throughout design phases, incorporating detailed customer preference information in analysis of trade-off decisions.
N=1 The Case for Grounded Theory Research in Innovation
N=1 in innovation as explained by professors C.K. Prahalad and M.S. Krishnan in their book: “The New Age of Innovation – Driving Co-created Value Through Global Networks” is studied to find implications of the phenomenon of innovation research.
Real Innovation
Forget what you thought you knew about innovation. Real Innovation is systematic, predictable and repeatable. Real Innovation can be analyzed and measured. Real Innovation is created within structures and systems that enable innovation.
Robust Engineering Methodology: Part Two
This three part series explores the relationships of methodology for robust engineering and the possible effects of that method in order to accelerate the evolution of systems. The following is Part Two of a three part series.
Six Sigma and Business Innovation: Process or Passion?
What is the relationship between Six Sigma and innovation? Are the two complementary or do they work in opposite directions? Actually, they are both complementary and opposite.
Strategic Business Choices Using PESTEL and AHP
This article provides a comprehensive framework for analysis and evaluation of various factors required for starting an information technology (IT) services business in a new country. The study was conducted in 11 European countries.
The Competitive Excellence Imperative
Expertise must be coordinated in order to assure anything close to victory. You have to correctly identify the need, get the best idea, have the right execution AND the timing needs to be right. That’s Competitive Excellence.
The Importance of Innovation Timing: The Fickle Consumer
Knowing when to launch a new product or service is difficult. The challenge is particularly great when the innovations directly interact with consumers. Critical information can be obtained by studying the voice of the consumer and market demand.
Three Phases of a Comprehensive Innovation Strategy
A verbal commitment to creating innovative products is often senior leadership’s response to a company’s poor financial performance. A commitment to the intentional creation of new products needs to be comprehensive by a company and its management.
Trailblazing Efforts Drive Strategic Objectives
Trailblazing is a participative, team-based problem solving process that targets a key business initiative – customer experience – and focuses employee problem solving teams on it.
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