Innovation Patent Creation
A Simple New Measure of Innovation: The Patent Success Ratio
If the number of patents is the metric your company uses to measure its innovation productivity, you need to dig a little closer. Is your business looking at its number of patent application or its number of ‘successful’ patent applications? This paper looks at the Patent Success Ratio (PSR) as a new–and improved–innovation metric.
Implement a Holistic Patent Strategy for Maximum Value
At the core of patent strategy is the ability to define and understand the value contained in the intellectual property, in the form of value determinants.
Innovation: A Little Help From Their Friends
Accenture looks at how patents can be a positive and a negative metric within different countries and industries.
Inventor Basics
The basics of getting intellectual property for inventors and small businesses.
Patents – Measuring a Piece of Innovation
A patent is an early step to innovation. If each patent application led to a breakthrough/disruptive innovation this metric would be unquestioned, but applications are only one not-so-simple step in the process of developing an innovation.
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