ALTSHULLER INSTITUTE for TRIZ Studies Newsletter, TRIZ -- the next Evolution in Problem Solving, JULY 2005

Editor | On 28, Aug 2005
The Altshuller Institute is a busy place this summer.
We have several projects that will keep us occupied.
Victor Fey will be continuing to develop the AI Certification program. Hopefully, we will have a formal draft for review by the end of September 2005 Another project that we are currently developing is converting our library of VHS tapes into DVD’s. Our first project was the TRIZCON2002 Tutorials.
Approximately 16 hours of TRIZ knowledge for beginners and skilled practitioners. These DVD’s are available from our General Store. As a by-product of this effort, we will have these videos available for viewing via the internet on a pay-per-view format.
Read more about this in the Feature Article.
Our 3rd project this summer is to rebuild our General Store to make it easier for members and visitors to use. These projects move the Institute torwards fulfilling its Charter and to make it easier for you to get more TRIZ information and knowledge. As technology improves and new capabilities develop, we will try to provide you with the best service and products to meet your needs.
Richard Langevin,
Executive Director
In this issue
* TRIZ anytime you want it ! ! !
* Kraev’s Korner
* New 40 Principles Book — Extended Edition
Kraev’s Korner
Dear Subscribers,
First of all, I would like to thank all of you who sent me messages with proposals, wishes and ideas related to our TRIZ Studies. Your participation and interest was very helpful for preparation of the second lesson’s material .
In this lesson we are talking about levels of innovations and starting to solve problems in Practical Work which resemble our everyday life. The Practical Work contents is in two parts: “quiz” and “home problems”. The quiz section’s main goal is to repeat the theoretical material and “home problems” that relate to training in using TRIZ tools.
Home problems basically don’t require other special knowledge and can be solved with application of the usual materials that we can find in our home. Hopefully solving these problems will be useful for your TRIZ-training and application in usual life.
For the rest of Lesson 2 Kraev’s Korner… –
In the first article of INSIDE TRIZ,
Ellen Domb, editor of The TRIZ Journal and principal of the PQR Group, has offered her classic TRIZ training problem for beginners for your reading. The Titanic case study is very useful because it requires very little time to explain the situation, it is very memorable since it builds on common culture, and it impresses the participants since they themselves create the solutions that save all the people, in a very short time, and they get positive feedback from the instructor to encourage them to apply the idea of using many kinds of resources-things, energy, fields, energy, space, functions-to solving their own problems.
New 40 Principles Book — Extended Edition
This extended edition of Altshuller’s 40 Principles book offers commentary by Dana W. Clarke, Sr., that further elaborates on each of the 40 principles. The publication also includes a 16in. x 21in. removable contradiction matrix. As before, this illustrated book of the TRIZ 40 principles acts as a “How to” book for learning how the 40 Principles are used developing solution concepts for technical contradictions. “This book provides a turbo-powered additive to anyone’s thought process for creating change.” Jerry L.
Spight, President, Prizm Q, Inc.
To buy this book… –
All of the Symposium papers from TRIZCON2005 were collected into this limited edition CD that also contains a FREE Volume 6 edition of Izobretania, the Altshuler Institutes very own TRIZ periodical. These current presentations provide insight into the usage and implementation of the TRIZ methodology. Don’t miss this great value.
To Purchase… –
TRIZ anytime you want it ! ! !
We have been asked numerous times from interested people from around the world, “How can I learn more about TRIZ?” Besides reading TRIZ material or grabbing bits and pieces from the internet, AI has come up with a solution for people who do not have access to any TRIZ trainers. Lets use RESOURCES that we already have. Lets use the training that we captured from our past TRIZCONs and provide that Tutorial Material via the internet.
Now anyone with access to the internet can stream video TRIZ footage for viewing on demand. The first set of Tutorials that will be available at the end of the month, will come from TRIZCON2002. If this experiment goes well and the feedback from our TRIZ audience is favorable, we will make available material from the Tutorials of TRIZCON99, 2000, and 2001. This commitment to bringing TRIZ to the world is an exciting opportunity for the Altshuller Institute. This technology will make TRIZ available to all individuals, classrooms, and corporations. I hope that by exposing TRIZ to a broader market, an explosion of new interest in TRIZ will result.
The exact cost for viewing has not been established.
We will keep the cost inline to the expense to broadcast and capture the information. I will send out a special E-NewsFlash when we have the on-demand videos ready for viewing.
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