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| On 27, Jun 2006

Dear Colleagues!
MATRIZ, the International TRIZ Association invites your participation in TRIZfest-2006 dedicated to 80th birthday of the founder of TRIZ – G.S. Altshuller with the main theme “Three Generations of TRIZ” Conference
October 13-22 2006 in Saint Petersburg, Russia
At Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University
195251, Saint Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya , 29 (Polytechnicheskaya subway station, University main building)
TRIZ-fest Program:
October 13-14
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University
TRIZ Masters Summit
Defense of thesis and certification of TRIZ Masters
October 15
A trip to Petrozavodsk with a visit to Altshuller’s grave and memorial.
Participation in the closing meeting of student’s competition.
October 16
Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University
Grand opening of the conference “Three Generations of TRIZ”
Plenary session dedicated to G.S. Altshuller’s 80th Birthday.
Reports by Regional Organizations and TRIZ Schools on TRIZ development and deployment
Addresses by new TRIZ Masters.
October 17-18
Presentation of papers on Conference sections:
• Development of TRIZ and its applications
• TRIZ education (for specialists, for teachers, for children)
• Practical TRIZ (technological and soft applications)
Round tables on various topics
October 19-21
Post Conference Educational Seminars
Preliminary schedule and seminars’ fees
Lecturers and Seminar Topics:
S. Ikovenko. «Competitive Patent Circumnavigation Strategies Using TRIZ»
A. Lubomirsky. «Pragmatic S-Curve Analysis»
V. Sibiryakov. «Selection and basis of investment strategies»
L. Semenova. «When Standards don’t work… Creative approach to Business»
M. Gafitulin «The structure of a lesson on creativity»
A. Guin «TRIZ-pedagogic – today and in the future»
October 19-22
Certification of TRIZ Specialists Levels 1-4 (Detailed information will be available at a later date)
Conference languages – Russian and English, synchronous translation.
Participants’ registration – starting May 5
Hotel info and papers format requirements will be available on May 15th
Presentations that interest attendees include:
1. Addresses and reports dedicated to the memory of G.S. Altsuller
2. Reports by Regional Organizations and TRIZ Schools on TRIZ development and deployment
3. Development of TRIZ and its applications
4. TRIZ education
5. Practical TRIZ (technological and soft applications).
Register at, if you plan to deliver a paper, then please submit paper abstract with registration by
June 30th.
Click here to send your paper. Paper deadline – August 31st
Bring your presentations in MS Word or PP formats (CD, diskettes, USB flash card).
TRIZfest 2006
Post Conference Educational Seminars
Preliminary schedule and seminars’ fees:

Competitive Patent Circumnavigation Strategies Using TRIZ
Sergei Ikovenko, Ph.D, Dr.-Eng., professor,
Boston, USA
This advanced seminar addresses TRIZ applications for development of patent strategies around
a product or a technology. The topic of Patent Strategies is rather multifaceted so the
seminar focuses on three major issues:

Seminar Program
Competitive Patent Circumventing. Use of TRIZ for patent circumnavigation is often just declarative. There is much more to it than Trimming and inventive problem solving. In 80% of cases this approach leads to solutions that are covered by the Doctrine of Equivalents and for that reason, do not really “bust” the competitive patent.

The seminar presents recommendations on how to instrumentally use the Prosecution History Estoppel to painlessly use TRIZ for patent circumventing.

Firewall Development. The presented approach shows how to consistently apply Trends of Engineering System Evolution to the independent claims of a patent and to develop a plethora of dependent claims that would protect a rather broad area. Using Pragmatic S-curve Analysis for Patent Strategies Development. This part of the seminar elaborates on the facts that a specific patent strategy may be the most effective for a technology/product that is on a specific stage of the S-curve and at the same time, maybe useless for another stage. In other words, depending on the fact where on the S-curse the technology/product is we can recommend the most effective set of patent strategies for this stage.

For example, for the infancy stage “blanketing” (or “flooding”) can be recommended, for the second stage – “infusion” works real well. After the pragmatic S-curve analysis helps to identify where on the S-curve the technology/product is (specific parameter-wise, of course), we can come up with a set of recommendations on the patent strategies for it All the presented algorithms and recommendations are furnished with real case studies from ABB, LVMH (Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton), Mannesmann and other companies.

Pragmatic S-Curve Analysis

Alex Lyubomirskiy, TRIZ Master, Boston, USA

This advanced seminar addresses application of S-Curve Analysis for development of system improvement strategies.

Seminar Program
Reasons of S-Curve stages.
Description of the fundamental reasons of S-Curve stages provides deep understanding of the mechanisms of system development along the S-Curve.

Symptoms of S-Curve stages.
Analysis of typical symptoms allows, in most cases, to identify a specific S-Curve stage.

Typical recommendations.
This part of the seminar describes development of effective strategies for system improvement based on the its location on the SCurve.

Special cases.
Analysis of the reasons and methods of the system’s transfer from Stages 3 and 4 back to Stages 1 and 2.

«The structure of a lesson on creativity»
Presenter: Marat Gafitulin, TRIZ Master, developer of ATRIZ
(Adaptive TRIZ) starting in 1996
This seminar is for those ready to ascend their imagination in a free flight enabling a view of the presenter’s concept for the development of educational system in the past, present and future, then, activate thought process and glide towards realistic future, and become familiar with several developments in this field.
The Goal of this Seminar:
To broaden understanding of the following: the particulars of the development of educational system, the role of the cognitive activities in today’s educational process, and organization and conducting of an ATRIZ lesson.
The Trajectory of the Flight (main points):
1. Take-off. Two chief life tasks.
2. A model of advanced education.
3. The peculiarities of cognitive/creative activity.
4. A lesson as educational form.
5. The peculiarities of an ATRIZ lesson.
6. Direct participation in an ATRIZ lesson.
7. A sketch of an ATRIZ lesson.
8. Landing. Questioning and summary.
Who should attend: teachers, looking to increase their role in the development of educational systems.
Number of attendees: no more than 25. Each participant should bring a note book and a pen.

«TRIZ-pedagogic – today and in the future »
Presenter: A. Guin, TRIZ Master, “TRIZ-PROFI”, Moscow
Why educational system crisis manifests itself throughout civilized world? Why civilized world is torn into “a nation of biological existence and a nation of cognitive consciousness?” Why is the school the way it is? What anticipates it in the future?
You must be ready to absorb information flow of high density and novelty + be ready to ask acute questions about educational theory and practice…
Seminar outline
Evolution of civilization – main tendencies and contradictions What upheavals await humanity in the near future? State, society, family, individual: futuristic prognosis by A. Guin and S. Fyer.
Education in the contest of civilization:
â—Š Deliverance from school-factory
â—Š New contradictions and new tasks
◊ Changes in teacher’s functions
â—Š Trajectory of education
◊ …
Training of a teacher for educational system of the information society.
Psychological effects.
Practical TRIZ-pedagogic.
Review of substantial resources of «Универсальный решатель» (Universal Solver) Lab..
TRIZ-pedagogic as social movement.
National project, «Образование» (Education, similar to “No child left behind in the USA), as a dead end direction.
Social order.
TRIZ-pedagogic:-what to do?
Workshops – modern requirements
Certification of TRIZ instructors.
In addition: exhibition and sale of related literature and visual aids.

«When Standards don’t work…
Creative approach to Business».

Presenter: L. Semenova, PhD, certified TRIZ specialist, 12
years of TRIZ based business consulting.
The goals and functions of a business system are determined in accordance with various conditions (objective and subjective).
Any business, at any time can chose from many ways of its existence and development. An intelligent assessment of current business situation allows for application of the entire might of TRIZ for achieving non-standard decisions for business development.
Modern business schools teach the methods appropriate for current business climate, yet those methods are not applicable under condition of rapid change.
Modern business conditions require a businessman to be creative.
This seminar provides you with a skill of decision making, required for business formation and development.
Experienced and new businessmen and entrepreneurs will learn a simple model for analysis of their business. The experts, employed by various companies, will learn more effective ways of structuring their activities.
TRIZ specialists will learn how to analyze business situation and solve problems in a business consulting arena.

Seminar outline:
1. Utilization of system operator description, modeling and forecasting business development
2. Hands on: business structuring (participants’ problems)
3. Laws of system’ evolution as applied to business evolution, interrelation of the laws of evolution (author’s approach).
Algorithm of business structuring.
4. System approach to business system. подход к бизнесу. Product, firm, and market segment as interrelated systems.
5. Contradictions and methods of their solution in business evolution.
6. Hands on: formulation and solution of contradictions in business (participants’ problems)
7. «Ideal» business strategies as a method resolving business contradictions
8. What is next? Conclusion: business and life, achieving harmony by improving creativity in business and life.

«Selection and basis of investment strategies»
Presenter: V. Sibiryakov, PhD, TRIZ Master
There are three main reasons for business investing:
1. To support development of new products/services/technologies.
2. To support company development.
3. To support new market segments penetration.
This workshop is aimed at discussions around the first reason.
The existing feasibility studies are based largely on economic calculations. However, worldwide experience suggests that the economic analysis alone is not sufficient for investment decision-making. Obviously, business space is the subject of some deep-seated processes, which are not a part of the traditional economic approach.
The decision makers, as well as economic experts, use the data, as presented in a business plan. And if a business plan offers erroneous data, then all subsequent calculations become meaningless. Moreover, an economic analysis is isolated from a Technical System and its functional significance, which is the only feature of interest of the end user. This workshop offers TRIZ based:
1. A new methodology for the assessment of the technical level of the new products/services/technologies offered for investment activities.
2. The criteria of selection the direction of development for new products/services/technologies.

Seminar outline
1. The examples of innovations and investments.
2. The lines of evolution for products/services/technologies
3. Deep seated processes for changes in products/services/technologies
4. Three reason to invest:
• The development of products/services/technologies;
• Development of the company
• New market’ penetration
5. «Sustaining» и «disruptive» innovations.
6. «Sustaining» innovations.
• Business diversification
• Business merger.
7. «Disruptive» innovations.
8. The typical mistakes of managers and marketers
9. Functional approach – basis for development of the new products/services/technologies;
10. Feasibility of technical developments
• Determination of the Level of Inventiveness;
• Selection of the direction of development of products/services/technologies;
• Solutions to technical problems – basis for business development. «Know-how» and «Patent umbrellas».
11. Strategic planning