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operational Archives - The Triz Journal

Divergence, Iteration & Operational Excellence

22/05/2018 |

Darrell Mann

The Operational Excellence world abhors waste. Consequently, everyone working within such an environment is trained to sniff it out and eliminate it. When people have their waste-radars switched-on they can be pretty relentless when it comes to finding … Read More

Resilience: Operational Excellence And Innovation

11/01/2018 |

Darrell Mann

If you ever have the opportunity to talk to an ultra-marathon athlete you will quickly ascertain that they see the world differently to most. A lay-person tends to think that the ability to run an ultra-marathon is achieved … Read More

An Integrated Operational Knowledge Base (System of Operators) and the Innovation Workbench System Software

22/05/1999 |

Boris Zlotin and Alla ZusmanSeptember 22, 1992Kishinev, Moldova

Translation and comments by Alla Zusman August, 1998© 1998 Ideation International Inc.May 1, 1999


Operator – a transformation as denoted by a TRIZ principle, method, standardsolution, … Read More