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materials Archives - The Triz Journal

Patent of the Month – Self-Replicating Materials

12/04/2020 |

Darrell Mann

Here’s one we first started tracking back in 2012. Most ‘self-‘ solutions are interesting. This one seemed to offer up more than most. The ultimate factory! Now, as of December 8, the patent has been granted. US9,206,471 was … Read More

Patent of the Month – Negative Refractive Index Meta-Materials

15/03/2020 |

Darrell Mann

Patent of the month this month takes into another foray into the realm of so-called ‘negative materials’. Or, as seems to be becoming more popular, ‘left-handed materials’. Which has a certain ring to it, if you happen to … Read More

Patent of the Month – Joining Dissimilar Materials

12/01/2020 |

Darrell Mann

Our patent of the month this month takes us to a quartet of inventors at the Battelle Memorial Institute in Washington State. US10,369,748 was awarded to the team on August 6. The invention takes us on a rare … Read More

Investments – Negative CTE Materials

25/12/2019 |

Darrell Mann

Scientists have created materials that shrink uniformly in all directions when heated under normal everyday conditions, using a cheap and industrially scalable process. This potentially opens up a new paradigm of thermal-expansion control that will make electronic devices … Read More

Investments – Programmable Materials

27/03/2019 |

Darrell Mann

Living organisms expand and contract soft tissues to achieve complex, 3-D movements and functions, but replicating those movements with human-made materials has proven challenging.

A University of Texas at Arlington researcher recently published groundbreaking research in Nature Communications … Read More

Smart Materials Solve Contradictions

02/02/2009 |

The value of smart material comes from its contradiction-solving abilities; linking the contradiction-solving material to a specific market need is critical to commercializing the product. Contradiction resolving is important to innovation.Read More

Destroying Construction Materials with Technological Effects

06/10/2008 |

The destruction of large stones, pieces of structures, hard soil monoliths, etc. is often necessary to begin construction – new destruction methods were required.Read More

Application of TRIZ for the search of new materials features

10/02/1999 |

Re-printed from the TPD Symposium.

Semyon D. Savransky, Ph.D. The TRIZ Experts, USA E-mail:

1. Introduction

The polyscreen approach proposed by Genrich Saulovich Altshuller is used … Read More