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Please Suggest a Review on Innovation Methodology

Please Suggest a Review on Innovation Methodology

| On 01, Jan 2010

Message: 743
Posted by: Yan
Posted on: Tuesday, 10th July 2007

Just begin to pay attention to this issue.

It seems there are a lot of innovation methods, brainstorming, HRP, TRIZ. Any suggestion about a review (or reviews) on these methods, different schools, experts, especially in USA? I would like to know the general picture as soon as possible.

Message: 751
Posted by: Ellen Domb
Posted on: Wednesday, 11th July 2007

Go to our portal, and look at the sections on “what is innovation” and on “theory” and “methods” for considerable discussion of which innovation methods are useful for what kinds of problems.  You can also look at the “best practices” section for names of consultants, schools, software vendors, etc.     Also, use the newletter archive and the article archive to find tutorials on specific subjects.

Note:  in this column, you'll get lots more response from other readers if your question is more specific. 

Ellen Domb,

Message: 755
Posted by: Yan
Posted on: Wednesday, 11th July 2007

Thank you very much!

I read some articles which mentioned TRIZ was introduced into USA in early 1990's and a paper on TRIZ published in 1991 was the first TRIZ paper published in USA. Is this a correct comment? Anyone knows that paper?

It seems there are a lot of TRIZ researches and discussions in EU and Japan. Do you think TRIZ researches all over the world have regional characteristics, for example, the researches in USA pay more attention to software solutions?

Message: 757
Posted by: Ellen Domb
Posted on: Wednesday, 11th July 2007

I haven't done any serious research on this subject, but my general observation is that the uses of TRIZ are very similar world-wide, but the pattern of publishing papers is different.  For example, the Chinese and Mexican academic communities  appear to work very strongly with local industry, and both publish case studies based on these projects.   There is considerable use of TRIZ in software in India, and not very much use of TRIZ in software in the US (contrary to your question) but the US publications come from academics, while the Indian publications come from practioners.   There is extensive use of TRIZ in Japan, and Korea and most of the publications are from practioners.   The biggest venue for TRIZ research (as opposed to TRIZ case studies) is in the former Soviet republics, and has limited publication in English (There have been English translations of the annual summary “the Journal of TRIZ” available from the Altshuller Institute, ).  

A real study of this might be interesting from the point of view of understaning how TRIZ is spreading around the world.  My guess is that there is no real difference in the work, but a significant difference in the pattern of publications, but it is a guess.

Ellen Domb

Message: 761
Posted by: Jack Hipple
Posted on: Wednesday, 11th July 2007

I wrote an article for Creativity and Innovation Management's specific TRIZ issue in June 2005 which reviewed the major creativity techniques and assessments and how TRIZ can interface and improve them.

Message: 793
Posted by: Yan
Posted on: Friday, 13th July 2007

Thank you. Where can I find the article?

Message: 794
Posted by: Jack Hipple
Posted on: Friday, 13th July 2007

It is in a public journal and should be in a library. It's called Creativity and Innovation Management and put out by Blackwell Publishing in England. I am sure they can send reprint copies. It will soon be available to me to send, but not at present according to copyright restrictions.