News from MATRIZ
Editor | On 25, Sep 2003
July 26, 2003
Information letter ? 18/2003.
Events at the International TRIZ Association –
a congress, a conference and meetings of its Presidium
1. The 5th correspondence meeting of the International TRIZ Association Presidium took place from February 3 till May 10, 2003. The following members of the Presidium took part: Beliltsev V.K., Gasanov A.I., Gafitulin M.S., Kislov A.V., Litvin S.S., Mitrofanov V.V., Petrov V.M., Rubin M.S., Selioutsky A.B., Sibiryakov V.G. (Murashkovsky U.S. refused to participate in Presidium meeting).
There were the following decisions:
– to accept OO “COMCON*TRIZ†from S.Korea (the leader Narbut N.N.) as a member of the International TRIZ Association.
– to certify the following applicants as Certified TRIZ specialists: Nikolai Shpakovsky (“BelOO TRIZâ€), Peter Chuksin (“BelOO TRIZâ€), Oleg Shmigelsky (“BelOO TRIZâ€), Peter Surkov (“Voskhozhdenieâ€), and Georgy Severnets (“COMCON*TRIZâ€).
The minutes of the Presidium meeting and more detailed information can be accessed at
2. The 6th correspondence meeting of the International TRIZ Association Presidium took place from May 14 till July 10, 2003. There were made the following decisions: – to accept SGOBO “Istok†(Saratov, the leader is Shiryaeva V.A.), and the Association “TRIZ Latin America†(Peru, the leader Eduardo Sieza de Leon) as members of the International TRIZ Association.
– to certify the following applicants as Certified TRIZ Specialists: Vladimir Bubentsov (OO TRIZ, Moscow), and Rifkat Gareev (TRIZ MNOTSIT MGIU, Moscow).
– a proposal of multi-step attestation and certification of TRIZ specialists was approved.
– the Board on TRIZ Methods of the International TRIZ Association was approved. Members of the Board are the following: M.Rubin, U.Salamatov, M.Shusterman, A.Kislov, V.Timokhov, U.Murashkovsky, and N.Narbut. M.Rubin was assigned to lead the work on attestation and certification matters in the International TRIZ Association.
– Mr. G. Ivanov’s idea about developing TRIZ e-textbook was approved. More detailed information will be placed at the site of the International TRIZ Association,
3. On July 16, 2003, a meeting of Presidium of the International TRIZ Association took place in Petrozavodsk. The following were presented: Gasanov A.I., Gafitulin M.S., Kislov A.V., Litvin S.S. (by phone), Rubin M.S., Selioutsky A.B., Sibiryakov V.G., Beliltseva V.K. (was represented by Rubin M.S. by proxy), Mitrofanova V.V. (Kislov A.V.). 13 issues were discussed during the meeting. Litvin S.S. proposed to combine the positions of the President and Chief Executive of the International TRIZ Association; it was proposed to keep continuity in the Presidium’s work; other matters were also considered. The minutes of the meeting will be placed at the site of the International TRIZ Association.
4. July 17, 2003, the 3rd congress of the International TRIZ Association was held in Petrozavodsk. Representatives of the following MATRIZ-member organizations took part in its work: ? ? “TRIZ-Karelia†(Petrozavodsk) – representative Rubin M.S.; Novosibirsk city OO “Kluchevie tekhnologii†(Novosibirsk) – representative Sibiryakov V.G.; OO “DneproTRIZ†(Dnepropetrovsk) – in absentia; OO “TRIZ-Petersburg†(Saint-Petersburg) – representative Kislov
A.V.; OO “Voskhozhdenie†(Zhukovskii) – representative Gafitulin M.S.; BelOOTRIZ (Gomel’, Byelorussia) – representative Timokhov V.I.; TRIZ Association of the New England (Boston, USA) – representative Lyubomirsky A.; ? ? “TRIZ-Norilsk†(Norilsk) – representative Shusterman M.N.; TRIZ Association of Israel (TAI) (Tel Aviv, Israel) – representative Gafitulin M.S.; Novgorod regional “NOOOTRIZ†(Veliky Novgorod) – representative Tamberg U.G.; OO “TRIZ-Cheboksari†(Cheboksari) – representative Mikhailov V.A.; OO “Alternativa†(Elgava, Latvia) – representative Murashkovsky U.S.; OO “TRIZ-Training-Center†(Voronezh) – representative Rubin M.S.; “TRIZFrance†(Paris) – representative Seredinsky A.; Moscow TRIZ Fund (Moscow) – representative Gasanov A.I.; TRIZ-pedagogics of Ukraine (Odessa) – representative Meerovitch M.I.; Ukraine TRIZ Center, OO UTSTRIZ Fund (Dnepropetrovsk) – representative Pigorov G.S.; OO “Volga- TRIZ†(Ulyanovsk) – representative Gutkovitch I.Y.; OO “TRIZ-Tallinn†(Tallinn) – representative Luchin M.; OO “COMCON-TRIZ†(Republic of Korea, Suvon) – representative Narbut A.F.; SGOBO “Istok†(Samara) – representative Gafitulin M.S.; Association “TRIZ Latin America†(Peru) – representative Rubin M.S.
Altogether 23 OO-TRIZ members from 9 countries participated in the congress. The conference received greetings from the President of the “TRIZ Association of Israel (TAI)â€, Petrov V., from the Association “TRIZ Latin America†(Peru, Lima), from the Vice President and Chief Scientist of GEN3 Partners, Litvin S. (Boston, USA), from the participants of S. Yakovenko seminar: Anne Goldgerg, Senior Researcher, Solvay (Belgium), Cristian Scaini, Leading Engineer, ENI (Italy), Valerio Bregonzio, Senior Engineer-Innovative Technology, Saipem/Agip (Italy), Eric Bessaudou, Leading Engineer, Legrand (France). The reports of the Control Board and the President of the International TRIZ Association were presented and then approved.
The proposals on changing the International TRIZ Association’s Charter were examined: to affiliate with the International TRIZ Association only those organizations, which have TRIZ masters or certified TRIZ specialists in their governing body. After the discussion the Presidium of the International TRIZ Association recommended to continue working on this issue. At the conference it was decided to elect a new presidium of MATRIZ of 9 members. 6 of 27 candidates took off their names from the list. As a result of a secret vote by ballot, the following people were elected to be members of the Presidium of the International TRIZ Association:
– Gasanov Aleksandr Iskanderovitch (TRIZ Master’s diploma #7), Moscow;
– Kislov Aleksandr Vasiljevitch (TRIZ Master’s diploma #24), Saint-Petersburg;
– Litvin Semen Solomonovitch (TRIZ Master’s diploma #28), USA;
– Petrov Vladimir Mikhailovitch (TRIZ Master’s diploma #43), Israel;
– Rubin Mikhail Semenovitch (TRIZ Master’s diploma #44), Petrozavodsk;
– Seredinsky Abraham Vulphovitch (TRIZ specialist’s certification #2), France;
– Timokhov Viktor Ivanovitch (TRIZ Master’s diploma #54), Byelorussia;
– Shusterman Mikhail Naumovitch (TRIZ Master’s diploma #62), Norilsk;
– Yakovenko Sergei Aleksandrovitch (TRIZ specialist’s certification #54), USA. (Editor’s note: this name is usually spelled “Ikovenko†in English—Sergei Ikovenko is a well-known teacher of TRIZ in Europe, the US, Korea, and Japan, and we want all his friends and students to know that this is he!)
At the suggestion of the Presidium the conference elected Rubin M.S. as the President of the International TRIZ Association.
A new edition of the International TRIZ Association’s Advisory Council regulations was adopted. We will communicate it in the near future.
The conference approved 6 major directions of action of the International TRIZ Association for 2003-2005:
– To organize the work on the Internet site and information service of the International TRIZ Association in Russian and English languages. To aggressively develop the direction on information activity of the International TRIZ Association.
– To create a system of education, training and skill improvement of TRIZ specialists; to develop the standard guidelines for TRIZ-education.
– To develop a system of multi-step attestation and certification in the International TRIZ Association.
– To organize publishing activities of the International TRIZ Association on a regular basis.
– To organize work on reviewing TRIZ materials.
– To organize research laboratories directly connected to TRIZ Funds.
The minutes and more detailed information will be placed at the site of the International TRIZ Association.
5. July 18-20, 2003, an international scientific-and-practical conference “The development of the system of TRIZ training for teachers, specialists and researchers†was held in Petrozavodsk. 100 TRIZ specialists from 9 countries took part in it. The abstracts of the presentations were published (it is possible to view it at All the edited materials of the conference as well as other materials containing information about MATRIZ conferences for the period of 1999-2003, materials on MATRIZ contests for the period of 2000-2002, materials of Chelyabinsk conferences for 2001-2003 were put on a CD. You can order the CD and conference materials in the International TRIZ Association.
Besides the general reports, 10 round tables discussions on different topics were organized during the conference. We will publish the list of conference participants and the photographs separately.
The most interesting topics of the conference were: the discussion “About the multi-step attestation of TRIZ users and certification of TRIZ specialistsâ€, which was adopted by the International TRIZ Association; reports and round table sessions on the training of TRIZ researchers. A resolution of the conference with recommendations for TRIZ specialists was prepared. It was for the first time that an expert of the European Union, Erika Romberg, took an active part in the conferences of the International TRIZ Association. She presented a project, focused on creation of innovation centers in the North-Western part of Russia. The official sponsors of the conference were: TRIZ master, Beliltsev V.K.; Karelian branch of the North-Western Academy of Public Service; OO “TRIZ-Kareliaâ€. Television, radio and Karelian newspapers covered the work of the conference. More detailed information will be communicated later.
6. On the 19th of July, 2003, a meeting of the new membership of the International TRIZ Association Presidium took place in Petrozavodsk. The following members participated in its work: Rubin M.S., Gasanov A.I., Lybomirsky A. (by proxy given by Litvin S.), Seredinsky A.V., Shusterman M.N., Timokhov V.I., Kislov A.V. At the meeting it was decided to certify Petiy I.V. and Abramov O.U (ROO “TRIZ-Petersburgâ€) as TRIZ specialists. A new organization “Angarsk-TRIZ†(headed by Ignatjeva A.G.) was affiliated with the
International TRIZ Association.
There was a decision on how to organize work on major activity directions of the International TRIZ Association: for all major directions of activity there will be a schedule, necessary resources, and people responsible for these projects will be identified. The minutes of the Presidium’s meeting will be placed at the site of the International TRIZ Association.
7. On the 19th of July, 2003, the first meeting of the Board on TRIZ Methods of the International TRIZ Association took place in Petrozavodsk. The following persons participated in its work: Rubin M.S., Murashkovsky U.S., Kislov A.V., Narbut A.F., Shusterman M.N., Timokhov V.I. The Board succeeded in reviewing one application from OO “TRIZ-Norilsk†on the 1st level attestation of 16 persons. The Board considered organizational and methodical issues of attestation. In the near future the Board will continue its work. We will publish the data on the issued certificates at the site of the International TRIZ Association.
The President of the International TRIZ Association
M. Rubin
July 30, 2003
Information letter ? 19/2003.
1. On the 17th of July, 2003, Valentina Nikolaevna Zhuravleva, a science-fiction writer, turned seventy. Opening of the congress of the International TRIZ Association was timed to this date so that congress participants had a chance to congratulate Valentina Nikolaevna on her anniversary. We wish her success in her creative work and fulfillment of all her wishes.
2. In May, 2003, the Head of the Republic of Karelia presented A.B. Selioutsky with the Badge of Honor in Education System of the Republic of Karelia. Mr. A. Selioutsky’s activity considerably influenced the development of the whole TRIZ movement in the republic. From the bottom of our heart we congratulate our colleague on this high award.
3. We congratulate Miloslava Mikhailovna Zinovkina and all the staff of MNOTSIT MGIU on the successful completion of a thesis of the senior lecturer S.P. Andreev. The title of the work is “Methods of training a modern engineer for professional-creative activity in the competitive environmentâ€.
4. Member of the International TRIZ Association Presidium S. Ikovenko has prepared an overview of conferences, scientific seminars, round table discussions for May-June, 2003 (
For the last two months a few important events associated with TRIZ, took place in the USA and European countries.
1. Science-and-practice conference “Management of the process of innovation†at Siemens Company in Munich, Germany, took place on the 8-9 of May. The goal of this annual conference is exchange of experience in the area of invention methods among different departments of Siemens from different countries.
The following issues were discussed at the conference:
a) strong and weak points of innovation methods at Siemens (Hans Peter Stolz, Siemens)
b) experience of innovation methods at the Nestle Company (Paul Sigsworth, Nestle)
c) experience of innovation education development and introduction of TRIZ in large companies (S. Ikovenko, MIT)
d) patent work and the conclusions which can be drawn while analyzing patents. Generation of inventive ideas (Dr. Marc Schulze, Siemens).
Effectiveness of using TRIZ for solving inventive problems, analyzing patents, organizing the process of introduction was repeatedly emphasized at the conference. Now about 120 engineers at Siemens are well versed in TRIZ and two people teach TRIZ inside Siemens. It was decided to educate 40-50 more engineers in TRIZ in 2003-2004 as well as a few consultants of a higher level, which would use TRIZ on a regular basis.
The next science-and-practice conference at Siemens is scheduled for summer of the year 2004.
Contact: Johannes Schaaf,
2. In the middle of May (May 10-12) a conference “Knowledge management†took place in Zagreb, Croatia. The conference was held under the aegis’s of Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology, Central Library of Croatia and one of the largest companies of the country – “Plivaâ€. More than 150 people from 19 countries (Croatia, Germany, USA, England, etc.) were present. The topic of the conference was the methods of knowledge and innovation process management. As it was stated that knowledge and innovation management include three main parts:
– organization of knowledge/innovation
– distribution of knowledge/innovation
– creation of knowledge/innovation.
While lots of companies have already introduced different systems of knowledge organization and distribution, there is not much done in the area of creation of knowledge/innovations. It can be explained by the fact that the methods use for creating knowledge are brainstorming, morphological analysis and other psychological methods of the old generation. A few reports focused on more effective innovation methods including TRIZ. In a number of Croatian and Italian companies TRIZ is becoming more and more effectively used and important. Impressive results of using TRIZ in pharmaceutical industry were achieved at “Bracco†Company (Italy).
Besides TRIZ, a lot of companies begin using semantic methods of information search. The advantages of the method are the following: instead of document search by keywords, they can find direct answers to the questions, organizing information functionally, i.e. they create a “questionanswer†index. In such an index, a question is formulated as a function ,so semantic methods allow to create a library of Effects automatically.
One of the leaders in this area is the “Pliva†Corporation. They have introduced a corporate system of semantic analysis of information and consider this approach to be very effective. It was emphasized in the conference summary that the future of innovation is with TRIZ and semantics.
Contact: Damir Nadramija ,
3. Creation of a TRIZ working group in Austria.
TRIZ is gradually gathering strength in Austria. In Austria TRIZ movement was started by educating in TRIZ a few university lecturers and individual consultants in 2000-2002. Today there are a few TRIZ-centers in Austria. One of the strongest is Luger Research. They organized a so-called system of innovation SPIN experts (including TRIZ users). The system consists of university lecturers, consultants, engineers-inventors, etc. The work has just started, but the working group is full of enthusiasm, so I hope that we’ll get results soon.
Siegfried Luger,
4. TRIZ in Switzerland.
Swiss TRIZ was growing on the academic basis. That was just luck that the initiative of a few lecturers of small universities (1999-2001) was picked up by ETN – a very prestigious technical university. ETN is the best university in Switzerland and one of the best universities in Europe. This gave TRIZ a special resonance, big companies started paying attention to TRIZ and this was not accidentally – many chief engineers of Swiss companies graduated from ETN. As a result ETN gives a significant support to the TRIZ movement in Switzerland. For example, in May, 2003, on the basis of ETN the 3rd European TRIZ Congress was held in Zurich. That was the most important TRIZ event in the Western Europe (more than 110 participants). Professor Peter Schwiezer and his consulting firm “MethoSys†take an active part in the Swiss TRIZ movement. The firm was also one of the main organizers of TRIZ Congress. Peter has written a few quite good books about methods of design, most of them are include chapters on TRIZ.
Contact: Peter Schweizer,;
As an interesting fact of TRIZ deployment history in Switzerland it is worth to underline the following: the Swiss Patent Office actively uses TechOptimizer software , which is based on TRIZ. It is for the first time in TRIZ history that TRIZ was officially used by a state patent body. The Swiss Patent Office has a special status, because that’s where A. Einstein worked for several years.
5. As we prepare materials on International TRIZ Association meeting and conference, which took place in July, in Petrozavodsk, we will send them out them. The list of the conference participants comes with the present letter as an attachment.
6. Today (July 31, 2003) Trade Mark Certificate #251307 (priority date of the 19th of December, 2001) was granted by the Russian State Agency of Patents and Trade Marks. According to this certificate, the International TRIZ Association is the owner of trade marks “? ? ? ?†and “TRIZâ€.
The President of the International TRIZ Association
August 3, 2003
Information letter ? 20/2003.
International TRIZ Association Projects
1. International TRIZ Association addresses TRIZ organizations and specialists: In accordance with the proposed directions of its activity, International TRIZ Association Presidium has approved the project “Study of development of TRIZ and TRIZ movementâ€. The objective of this study is to create the complete picture of development of TRIZ and TRIZ movement.
1. To compose the fullest list of all events, ideas and works.
2. To list everyone, who took part in development of TRIZ and TRIZ movement.
3. To give, where possible, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the published and unpublished works, TRIZ organizations and participants of TRIZ movement. Vladimir Petrov, a member of the International TRIZ Association Presidium, is appointed to be responsible for this project.
Results of the study will be published on the site of the International TRIZ Association. We ask all the TRIZ organizations and TRIZ specialists to help in carrying out this project and send all the information you have to V.Petrov and a copy to the International TRIZ Association ( Please, indicate in your letters if the International TRIZ Association has the right to publish the materials.
Mr. V.Petrov’s address:
Vladimir Petrov
Tel: +972 – (0) 9 – 7481667
Mobil: +972 – (0) 54 – 517322
6/4 Klauzner St.
Raanana, 43367,
1. Types of necessary information
2. Example of presenting information for the project “Study of development of TRIZ and TRIZ movementâ€.
2. Project “Fund of TRIZ materials directly connected to the International TRIZ Associationâ€.
The project was initiated by A. Gin in 2001. He made the first contribution to the creation of the Fund – those were books on pedagogics and TRIZ. Since then the amount of units of issue in the Fund became about 400. Besides books, M. Shusterman contributed 5 video cassettes with records of “IKARiada-2001†to the Fund. All the materials related to high school and university conferences and contests of the International TRIZ Association also are stored in the Fund. The last contribution to the International TRIZ Association Fund were two CDs with a video “Henry Saulovitch Altshuller – remembrances of disciples†(on your request we can sent copies of these disks to you). The CDs were made up by LOT “Universalny Reshatelâ€; sponsor of the project is Mikhail Dvorkin’s private charity organization. We thank Anatoly Aleksandrovitch Gin and the staff of LOT “Universalny Reshatel†for regular contributions of the TRIZ materials Fund.
We ask all the members of the International TRIZ Association to contribute the materials you have to the Fund, if you can. The list of the Fund materials will be published on the site of the International TRIZ Association.
3. Contest on Creative Problem Solving for high school and university students “TRIZ- 2003â€.
We still accept applications for the contest on Creative Problem Solving for high school and university students “TRIZ-2003â€. Terms of the contest were described in the information letter #4/2003 (you can find it on the International TRIZ Association site or on the CD, which we handed out at the conference in Petrozavodsk). Please, be advised that the deadline for the applications to the contest is August 15, 2003.
The President of the International TRIZ Association