March 1997 Special Issue TRIZ in Universities
Editor | On 11, Mar 1997
Two special articles describe the curricula at Florida Atlantic University and at Wayne State University. We also know that TRIZ is included in courses in engineering departments in the US at the University of Michigan, University of Connecticut, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and world-wide at the University of Linkoping (Sweden), Coburg University (Germany) and University of Twente (Netherlands). Many courses have been offered as supplements to the regular, degree programs, such as the classes at California Institute of Technology’s Industrial Relations Center.
TRIZ classes in Israel, Mexico, Australia, and throughout Eastern Europe and Russia have been reported to us, but without enough detail to include here. If you teach undergraduate or graduate classes in TRIZ, or with TRIZ as part of a class in engineering or manufacturing technology, please send information to us.
We will publish another special issue later in the year when we have more references.
Ellen Domb and Jim Kowalick