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Journal for TRIZ in Engineering Design

Journal for TRIZ in Engineering Design

| On 25, Apr 2005

The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving has been widely recognized as a powerful systematic innovation technique that can be applied to a wide array of disciplines. The aim of the Journal of TRIZ in Engineering Design is to provide an avenue for scholarly exchange on the application of, and research on TRIZ in the context of engineering design. All papers submitted to the journal will be peer-reviewed to ensure the highest level of scholarly work, and to encourage from academia increased research and publishing on TRIZ in the context of engineering design.

Topic areas include but are not limited to:
(1) Research advances in TRIZ methodology.
(2) TRIZ-based research covering all aspects of engineering design, including its use with other engineering design methodologies.
(3) Strategies for the effective teaching of TRIZ, especially at the university level.
(4) Detailed case studies that show how the use of TRIZ has broken new ground in the design of products or processes.
(5) Review of TRIZ texts focused on engineering design, especially those appropriate for use at a college level (undergraduate or graduate) texts.

The journal is published quarterly (March, June, September and December) by Togo Press LLC (Pittsburgh, PA), with the first issue expected in June 2005.

The journal employs a double-blind peer review process for manuscripts in that both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other. This policy will reduce the influence of personal and other nontechnical factors in the review process.

The Editorial Board (listed below) has chosen an open access policy for the journal. This means that all articles are universally and freely available online to everyone and their authors retain copyright. In addition, the journal’s articles will be archived in internationally recognized free-access digital libraries, and indexed in the Compendex (Engineering Index).

Open access allows engineers from countries and institutions that may have limited funds to have access to the same materials as wealthier ones, thus providing a wider audience to the journal’s authors. Such access is associated with increased readership and increased citation of an author’s work.

We hope that the availability of an English language peer-reviewed journal will encourage more researchers, especially from academia, to use and further develop TRIZ by providing an avenue for them to publish and receive appropriate recognition for their work.

We strongly encourage you to submit papers for publication consideration using the journal’s online system at

Finally, the journal is always looking for individuals who would like to serve as reviewers. To do so simply use the journal’s online system to create an account, complete the user profile section and we will be in touch.

Editorial Board
Dr. Gaetano Cascini

Dipartimento di Meccanica e
Tecnologie Industriali
Universita’ degli Studi di Firenze

Dr. Madara Ogot (Editor-in-Chief)
Engineering Design Program and
Mechanical and Nuclear
Engineering Department
The Pennsylvania State University

Dr. Sung Gyun Park
KID Inc., and
Korea Polytechnic University

Dr. Michael Slocum
Breakthrough Management
Group, Inc. (USA)

Dr. Ching-Huan Tseng
Department of Mechanical
National Chiao Tung University