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Innovation Reading

Innovation Reading

| On 01, Jan 2010

Message: 73
Posted by: Antonio
Posted on: Wednesday, 13th December 2006

clayton christiansons book “the innovators dilemma” is pretty well known and is on my shelf waiting to read. anyone out there have some other favorites? would be nice to get a list going

Message: 78
Posted by: Sam
Posted on: Thursday, 14th December 2006

'Business Week' had this round-up of the best of 2006 innovation books. I haven't read any on the list, but I've read other by Chesbrough and liked what I've seen.

Message: 80
Posted by: Vito
Posted on: Friday, 15th December 2006


Good list, thanks for sharing!

BTW, anyone here familiar with the work of Robert Fritz and how his works relate to Innovation? Specifically, his incorporation of structure into the creative process, more importantly, how that may be different than TRIZ? Positive input or feedback will be appreciated! 

Message: 85
Posted by: Ellen Domb
Posted on: Tuesday, 19th December 2006

Re: Fritz and structure in innovation. There have been some studies that show that people create more ideas when given boundaries than when given total freedom. This is somewhat related to TRIZ, since the focus of TRIZ is on getting the problem well-defined, which does give structure, but not on getting large numbers of solutions.

Message: 87
Posted by: Vito
Posted on: Tuesday, 19th December 2006

Many thanks for all your input, feedback, and posts!

Message: 92
Posted by: Jack Hipple
Posted on: Friday, 22nd December 2006

Sorry to be late in contributing, but I'd like to suggest Clayton Christensen's books (The Innovator's Dilemma, The Innovator's Solution, etc.) as outstanding readings.  I found myself earmarking many pages and chapters in terms of TRIZ.  There are many learnings in these books that repeat what TRIZ already knows, but since Clayton is so well known (his own company, keynotes,newsletter now as well), it's a good source to piggy back off of when discussing TRIZ.

I'd love to hear others' comments about Christensen's concpets and principles of TRIZ.

Jack Hipple


Message: 93
Posted by: Jack Hipple
Posted on: Friday, 22nd December 2006

I sometimes do TRIZ sessions including psychological assessment tools such as the Kirton KAI adoptive/innovation assessment instrument which measures the style in which people problem solve (  This provides some learning to people in how they problem solve and how they use TRIZ.  Some people analyze and problem solve analogically and in a structured way, within known (to them) parameters. They tend to filter ideas along their pradigms prior to expressing. Others are much more unstructured and out of the box and don't worry about practicality early on or relationship to what is already known or done. You can see this dramatically when using any kind of cause and effect modeling of a problem during a TRIZ session if one separates analogic problem solvers from innovative problem solvers.  Ordered, structured diagrams vs. hard to read, line crossing diagrams, etc. Publications on this in Creativity and Innovation Management, 3/05. 

The way that I explain the impact on TRIZ to different kinds of problem solvers is that TRIZ provides strucuture to the unorganized, unstructured innovators (high KAI people) and stimulation to the organized, short range people (low KAI people). Its the ONLY creativity toolkit and process that I know of that does both of these things. All of this can be a real learning in a group setting and not so for an individual. I agree with Ellen's comments re: small groups.  The iinterpretation of contradiction table parameters is not uniform and discussion helps.  Same for use and interpretation of the inventive principles.  Everyone has a different background and experience which enriches the idea pool.

Jack Hipple


Message: 98
Posted by: S. Jefferson
Posted on: Tuesday, 26th December 2006

I think Christensen's books are interesting but don't provide a lot of real world information about how to make innovation happen in your world.

Message: 100
Posted by: Jack Hipple
Posted on: Tuesday, 26th December 2006

I agree that they are interesting and provide a general structure for thinking about business maturity and repalcement.  However, they fail to recognize already known knowledge in the field—that's what I find less than satisfying.  This work helps assist in providing a framework for existing knowledge from TRIZ.

Message: 101
Posted by: Alicia
Posted on: Tuesday, 26th December 2006

I really enjoyed Innovator's Dilemma. I think Christensen summed up the issues related to innovation cohesively, but it seems like a lot of the innovation conversation since then hasn't really gone any further. Even Christensen didn't seem to take the natural next step in Innovator's Solution by delving into how to make innovation a real process instead of just something a company somehow stumbles across.

I'm not familiar with his current work. Is he expanding into innovation methods now? Is he specialized in TRIZ or TILMAG? I looked at a newsletter for him but I wasn't sure it was worth the subscription costs. Do you – or anyone else reading this – know its regular content?

Thanks, Alicia

Message: 102
Posted by: Jack Hipple
Posted on: Wednesday, 27th December 2006

I have never heard him mention TRIZ or TILMAG in any books or talks.  He has formed a consulting business around his concepts in addition to his newsletter but I do not receive the newsletter and have not talked to anyone who has used his services, so I cannot assist.
