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Innovation TRIZ (theory of Inventive Problem Solving)

Axiomatic Innovation: Creativity As an Exact Science
Professor Nam Suh of MIT set out to provide some scientific components to mix with artistic elements typically found in design. He sought to bring science to what was mostly art. During this search, he developed the science of Axiomatic Design (AD).

Brainstorming and TRIZ
Brainstorming is rarely mentioned in TRIZ circles, but there are startling similarities between the two. Brainstorming tools can be used to increase the effectiveness of TRIZ by helping to bridge the gap between the general solution and the specific.

Case Study: Integrating TRIZ Into Six Sigma
Six Sigma operates based on the assumption that the solution to a problem is contained within the process under investigation. TRIZ, which can solve the problem outside of the process boundaries, is a necessary to Six Sigma to solve external solutions.

Case Study: Road Fleet Maintenance Improved With TRIZ
Technical systems maintenance is ground for inventive answers, as maximum system reliability at minimum cost is needed. Only the contradiction matrix and 40 inventive principles were used – no other tools were needed for a simple, useful solution.

Case Study: TRIZ and a Bite-size Candy Pouch
The Mars company used TRIZ methodologies to develop new packaging for its bite-size candy products. The new packaging is easier to open, can stand upright and open on a table and is more aesthetically pleasing. The new packaging increased sales.

Case Study: Using TRIZ to Forecast Technology
TRIZ is emerging as a powerful scientific tool that helps decision-makers to make strategic forecasting decisions. Assessment of a company’s current technology should drive the direction of the R&D planning process.

Contradiction Matrix and the 40 Principles for Innovative Problem Solving
Contradiction Matrix and the 40 Principles for Innovative Problem Solving

Dow Pairs Six Sigma With Innovation
When innovation is the lifeblood of a company, it cannot solely on the fickleness of inspiration. This basic premise underlies research and development at The Dow Chemical Co.

Dow: Designing the Next-generation Railcar With TRIZ
The interaction of process improvement and innovation tools can be seen in one of Dow’s projects – to design the next generation of rail tank cars for transporting the most hazardous chemicals.

Eureka! Seeing a Forest of Innovations Because of TRIZ
TRIZ uses history—and more concretely, historical data culled from several million patents that have been analyzed and decomposed by the TRIZ community—as the starting point for people to look when solving a problem.

Find the Ideal Final Result
The Ideal Final Result (IFR) tool has a solid base in innovation science. Beginning with a problem’s optimal end expands the creativity stage by removing all obstacles from the situation. The IFR increases benefits while simultaneously decreasing costs and harm.

Find the Zones of Conflict – Identify the Problem
TRIZ teaching methods emphasize the importance of solving the “right” problem rather than applying energy into curing only the symptoms of the problem. TRIZ focuses on finding the problem drivers and removing or modify them.

How Can TRIZ Apply to Six Sigma?
Of the dozens of TRIZ tools and ideas, a few of the basic ones are particularly useful with Six Sigma: in DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Contol) and DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify).

Implementation Enhanced Through Values & Beliefs Part 1
The first in this three-part series offers a perspective for identifying multiple aspects of the public point of view (customer organizations, individuals) in order to reduce/eliminate the frequency of the negative response to solution concepts.

Implementation Enhanced Through Values & Beliefs Part 2
The second in this three-part series offers a perspective on dissastisfaction and need and TRIZ using Graves’ values.

Implementation Enhanced Through Values & Beliefs Part 3
The last article of a three-part series offers a perspective about interacting with different levels and value systems based on TRIZ.

Improving the Fuzzy Front End of Product Development
A study of several famous companies that have stumbled in innovation reveals that it is not just one activity, but a multitude, that are not d well. The federal government has tried to measure innovation and has found it very difficult.

Improving the Fuzzy Front End Part 3
Part three introduces the multifamily product and development plan along with the last element known as environment and offers a conclusion for the fuzzy front end and the innovation process model.

Improving the Fuzzy Front End Part 3
Part three introduces the multifamily product and development plan along with the last element known as environment and offers a conclusion for the fuzzy front end and the innovation process model.

Innovate By Discovering What You Do Not Know
TRIZ forces the question of how well even people with genius abilities can formulate new strategies, products and services in a way that meets the need of business to do continually innovate quickly and effectively.

Innovation ‘Grows On’ TRIZ
Podcast interview of Ellen Domb by Dan Keldsen, emphasizing applications of TRIZ to software development. Third TRIZ interview in Keldsen’s series.

Practical Magic
Summary article on TRIZ published in British quality publication, Qualityworld.

Six Sigma Trends: Six Sigma Leadership And Innovation Using TRIZ
TRIZ science extends traditional system engineering approaches and provides powerful systematic methods and tools for problem formulation, system- and failure analysis, for both existing and future issues, by using system patterns of evolution.

Smart Innovation Adapts to Any Problem or Situation
Adaptive innovation is the key to the ability of an organization’s ability to respond quickly to the needs of society and the customer – it leverages any ability to adapt and existing solution to suit for its purposes.

Titanic TRIZ: A Universal Case Study
When teaching TRIZ to groups of people from a wide variety of technical and cultural backgrounds, it is important to use a case study that they can all understand. The world-wide popularity of the movie Titanic can be used.

TRIZ – What Is TRIZ?
TRIZ – What Is TRIZ?

TRIZ Applications for the Tropical Fish Hobbyist
I have been a freshwater tropical fish hobbyist for thirty years. In the last ten years my backyard production technologies significantly improved. Using TRIZ, I developed several devices that have either cut my costs or improved my production.

TRIZ Usage for Customer Needs Identification Part 1
This series aims to initiate development of TRIZ methodology for deployment and sustainability within high volume manufacturing corporations. It will also share the authors’ approach on possible definitions of TRIZ customer needs.

TRIZ Usage for Customer Needs Identification Part 2
This series aims to initiate development of TRIZ methodology for deployment and sustainability within high volume manufacturing corporations. The following is Part Two of the three-part series.

TRIZ Usage for Customer Needs Identification Part 3
This series aims to initiate development of TRIZ methodology for deployment and sustainability within high volume manufacturing corporations. The following is Part Three of the three-part series.

Use the Eight Patterns of Evolution to Innovate
Most technology development roadmaps will embody more than one of the eight evolutionary patterns. A strategic thinker should not see technology development as a specific problem to be solved, but a specific expression of underlying patterns.

Using TRIZ to Enhance Quality Functional Deployment
TRIZ can enhance the practice of QFD. Researchers will continue to find ways to integrate these methods to help all product and process developers create innovative solutions that win market leadership by solving customer problems.

Who Will Learn and Use TRIZ
A large proportion of users will only ever know and use one or two tools of TRIZ and there are concerns that TRIZ appears to contain a considerable amount of overlap. This overlap exists between different tools, but it also exists within the same tool.

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