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Definitions *

Definitions *

| On 01, Jan 2010

Message: 109
Posted by: Rahim Razmgir
Posted on: Wednesday, 3rd January 2007

Dear friends;

Let's not make ourselves busy with “words”,I remember we had the same problem in quantom physics while trying to define simillar events.

The only way to get rid of this confusion is to clarify the terms :”invention” , “innovation”,”creativity” and so forth…by giving examples.We can then categorize the examples . Therefore each example goes into a certain category like invention or innovation ,…

To begin, I can put “TV” in “inventions”        or  “fuzzy logic ” in “innovations”    

Message: 111
Posted by: Mike Carnell
Posted on: Wednesday, 3rd January 2007


What a ridiculous response. You don't want to “make yourself busy with words” but you will make yourself busy with catagorization and those catagories are determined by what? If there is no definition then the catagorization has no integrity. How does this move any issue forward?

Just my opinion.