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Book Review: Principles of Survival (A Theory of Everyday Creativity) By: Gennady Kizevich

Book Review: Principles of Survival (A Theory of Everyday Creativity) By: Gennady Kizevich

| On 25, Mar 2005

by Gennady Kizevich
Reviewed by Michael S. Slocum, Ph.D., M.B.B., T.Sc.
Details: 352 pages, paperback edition available from for $17 US (a bargain). This book was published by Washington House in March of 2004.

Editor’s note: So that our readers may judge how they might be able to benefit from this new book we used the buy/borrow/pass meter as indicated below (as you can see—a very strong “buy” recommendation:

This book is divided into 5 chapters:
1. Secrets of the Pyramid or Popular Theory of Systems
2. Skills to Remain Alive
3. To invent is to Forsee
4. The CAR of the 21st Century
5. How to Convert a Possibility into Money
Throughout the book there are many sections that are considerably interesting and these have been identified with their page numbers below:
Law of Efficiency p. 1
The Steam Engine Is 2000 Years Old p.18
The Space of Purpose p.44
Super-methods and Super-principles p.64
The Formula and the Paradox of Beauty p.98
The Secrets of Toys p. 149
Secrets of Art p.153
The Theory of the Smile p. 194
The Birth of a New Product p. 218
To Sell a Dream p. 219

This book was dedicated by the author to Forest Gump and is for people with a sense of humor and wonder as well as those who are serious about the pursuit of success and are looking for principles and laws to aid them in conquering the world we live in. This is an absolutely fascinating book that is full of principles and laws to describe phenomenon that we usually take for granted. The perspective deepens as different examples are discussed that explain the principles in the book and describe useful BUY BORROW PASS

applications of them in the real world. A few sections in the book describe the authors views on Altshuller’s work and reduces some of the key tenants of TRIZ into a set of principles: Altshuller’s First Paradox, Altshuller’s Second Paradox, and Altshuller’s Precept. The insights are new and invigorating and that makes this book a valuable edition to your creativity library.